»Träume« - World Premiere by Emanuel Gat. "How to make Dreams come true" Part 5


Part 5 of our little online-series »How to make Dreams come true«, which shows you a glimpse of the rehearsal process for our world premiere »Träume« [Dreams] by choreographer Emanuel Gat, which will open on 6 April, which is less only 2 weeks away - we can't wait to welcome Emanuel and his dancers in Salzburg soon and see the AMAZING original costumes - stay tuned, we will show you next week!
For his first edition as director of the Salzburg Easter Festival, Nikolaus Bachler innovates and opens the program to contemporary dance. Presented in the mythical concert hall of the Felsenreitschule, »Träume« (Dreams) by choreographer Emanuel Gat, will explore different facets of Wagnerian work.
The Israeli/French choreographer will present a work for the 14 dancers of his company that is inspired by Richard Wagner’s »Wesendonck Lieder«. Gat will combine the five famous poems with excerpts from Wagner’s essay »Art and Revolution«. In the first act, excerpts from this revolutionary essay are juxtaposed with the poems by Mathilde Wesendonck in order to create a kind of textual score in a dialogue between the sexes. The second act unfolds to the music of the five »Wesendonck Lieder«.
Video by Sara Gat and Julia Gat
Tickets: osterfestspiele.at/event/traeume

