Together for Resilience - UNDRR Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism Multistakeholder Roundtable

We know that #disaster risk is inextricably linked to climate change. At the #BonnClimateConference 2024, the Sendai Framework Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (SEM) held a roundtable that brought together a variety of actors from the #disasterriskreduction space.
The group:
🟠 Shared best practices in establishing local #earlywarning and #earlyaction
🟠 Enhanced understanding of the functionality of the #LossandDamage Funds and shared opinions, ideas and perspectives on the structure and nature of the L&D fund and technical support of the #SantiagoNetwork
🟠 Collated and disseminated recommendations to existing non-state stakeholders representatives in the Early Warning for All advisory panel and SNLD board for local actions and availability of funds for local actors
Moderator: Jamie Cummings - Climate Change Focal Point, SEM
Speakers: Aminesh Kumar - Head, Bonn Office, UNDRR
Luca Rossi - Senior Coordinator, Early Warnings for All, UNDRR
Adessou Kossivi - Regional Lead, Africa, GNDR
Carlos Uribe - Comprehensive Disaster and Climate Risk Management, Programme Officer, UNDRR
Samuel Chijioke Okorie - UNFCCC Santiago Network Advisory Board Member
00:00 - 02:53 Introduction
02:54 - 06:19 Welcome - Aminesh Kumar
06:20 - 16:27 Luca Rossi
16:28 - 22:35 Adessou Kossivi
22:35 - 32:10 Carlos Uribe
32:11 - 46:34 Samuel Chijioke Okorie
46:35 - 47:39 Closing remarks

