Three Houses: All Allies Japanese Critical Hit Quotes ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月 : すべての同盟国のクリティカルヒットの引用

Фильм және анимация

青獅子の学級 (Blue lions)
ディミトリ=アレクサンドル=ブレーダッド (Dimitri) - 0:00
ドゥドゥー=モリナロ (Dedue) - 0:23
フェリクス=ユーゴ=フラルダリウス (Felix) - 0:39
シルヴァン=ジョゼ=ゴーティエ (Sylvain) - 0:59
イングリット=ブランドル=ガラテア (Ingrid) - 1:21
アッシュ=デュラン (Ashe) - 1:46
アネット=ファンティーヌ=ドミニク (Annette) - 2:02
メルセデス=フォン=マルトリッツ (Mercedes) - 2:23
金鹿の学級 (Golden Deer)
クロード=フォン=リーガン (Claude) - 2:43
ヒルダ=ヴァレンティン=ゴネリル (Hilda) - 3:04
ローレンツ=ヘルマン=グロスタール (Lorenz) - 3:20
イグナーツ=ヴィクター (Ignatz) - 3:40
レオニー=ピネッリ(Leonie) - 3:55
ラファエル=キルステン (Raphael) - 4:12
マリアンヌ=フォン=エドマンド (Marianne) - 4:27
リシテア=フォン=コーデリア (Lysithea) - 4:43
黒鷲の学級 (Black Eagles)
エーデルガルト=フォン=フレスベルグ (Edelgard) - 5:03
ヒューベルト=フォン=べストラ (Hubert) - 5:24
ドロテア=アールノルト (Dorothea) - 5:36
フェルディナント=フォン=エーギル (Ferdinand) - 5:57
ベルナデッタ=フォン=ヴァーリ (Bernadetta) - 6:19
リンハルト=フォン=ヘヴリング (Linhardt) - 6:38
ペトラ=マクネアリー (Petra) - 6:58
カスパル=フォン=ベルグリーズ (Caspar) - 7:14
セイロス聖教会 (Church of Seiros)
ツィリル (Cyril) - 7:32
セテス (Seteth) - 7:48
シャミア=ネーヴラント (Shamir) 8:05
カトリーヌ (Catherine) 8:21
アロイス=ランゲルト (Alois) - 8:38
ハンネマン=フォン=エッサー (Hanneman) - 8:59
マヌエラ=カザグランダ (Maneula) - 9:18
フレン (Flayn) - 9:37
アンナ (Anna) - 9:50
アルファルド=ダールマン (Aelfric) - 10:05
ユーリス=ルクレール (Yuri) - 10:21
バルタザール=フォン=アダルブレヒト (Balthus) - 10:46
コンスタンツェ=フォン=ヌーヴェル (Constance) 11:09
ハピ (Hapi) - 11:41
ベレス (Byleth) - 11:56
蒼月の章 (Azure Moon)
ディミトリ=アレクサンドル=ブレーダッド (Dimitri) - 12:53
ドゥドゥー=モリナロ (Dedue) - 13:30
フェリクス=ユーゴ=フラルダリウス (Felix) - 13:45
シルヴァン=ジョゼ=ゴーティエ (Sylvain) - 14:05
イングリット=ブランドル=ガラテア (Ingrid) - 14:25
アッシュ=デュラン (Ashe) - 14:45
アネット=ファンティーヌ=ドミニク (Annette) - 15:04
メルセデス=フォン=マルトリッツ (Mercedes) - 15:28
ギルベルト=プロスニラフ (Gilbert) - 15:47
翠風の章 (Verdant Wind)
クロード=フォン=リーガン (Claude) - 16:10
ヒルダ=ヴァレンティン=ゴネリル (Hilda) - 16:33
ローレンツ=ヘルマン=グロスタール (Lorenz) - 16:51
イグナーツ=ヴィクター (Ignatz) - 17:10
レオニー=ピネッリ(Leonie) - 17:23
ラファエル=キルステン (Raphael) - 17:42
マリアンヌ=フォン=エドマンド (Marianne) - 17:55
リシテア=フォン=コーデリア (Lysithea) - 18:08
紅花の章 (Crimson Flower)
エーデルガルト=フォン=フレスベルグ (Edelgard) - 18:30
ヒューベルト=フォン=べストラ (Hubert) - 18:54
ドロテア=アールノルト (Dorothea) - 19:08
フェルディナント=フォン=エーギル (Ferdinand) - 19:30
ベルナデッタ=フォン=ヴァーリ (Bernadetta) - 19:49
リンハルト=フォン=ヘヴリング (Linhardt) - 20:08
ペトラ=マクネアリー (Petra) - 20:29
カスパル=フォン=ベルグリーズ (Caspar) - 20:44
イエリッツァ=フォン=フリュム (Jerizta) - 20:58
銀雪の章 (Silver Snow)
ツィリル (Cyril) - 21:17
シャミア=ネーヴラント (Shamir) - 21:43
カトリーヌ (Catherine) - 22:02
マヌエラ=カザグランダ (Maneula) - 22:16
ユーリス=ルクレール (Yuri) - 22:34
バルタザール=フォン=アダルブレヒト (Balthus) - 22:53
コンスタンツェ=フォン=ヌーヴェル (Constance) - 23:16
ハピ (Hapi) - 23:52
ベレス (Byleth) - 24:09
音楽 (Music)
0:00 鷲獅子たちの蒼穹 + 天と地の境界 (Blue Skies and a Battle/Between Heaven and Earth - Rain/Thunder)
12:50 この世界の頂で (Apex of the World - Thunder)
16:06 神を屠る星 (God Shattering Star - Rain)
18:28 貫く意志 (Indomitable Will - Rain/Thunder)
21:15 花片の葬列 (A Funeral of Flowers Thunder)
24:50 慟哭 (Wailing)
#ファイアーエムブレム風花雪月 #クリティカルアタックの引用 #FE3HJapaneseCriticalQuotes

Пікірлер: 147

  • @PokeMaster979899
    @PokeMaster9798993 жыл бұрын

    The English cast is really great but once I heard Constance's "OOOOHOHOHOHO" it's hard to play without it

  • @fyra_cat2119


    3 жыл бұрын

    Reminds me of Hubert's laugh in english

  • @armaniruben3135


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @sophie0002


    Жыл бұрын

    no...the english cast is terrible...apart from a few select goodies

  • @PeruvianPotato


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@sophie0002 Weeb alert

  • @shadow-dn8mx
    @shadow-dn8mx3 жыл бұрын

    Their hp actually affects their voices. Thats why some voices here seem a little different. This is pretty much normal on maddening tho lol

  • @ItzaMystri


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for pointing that out, that's a neat detail! I play with jp audio but well I'm on normal mode for my first playthrough lol

  • @yuriski1
    @yuriski13 жыл бұрын

    Man, in the japanese dub they actually sound older after the time skip.

  • @aaronbeasley974


    2 жыл бұрын

    Its Especially true for Ignatz and Linhardt

  • @KoeniginLogia


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@aaronbeasley974 And Ashe and Sylvain sounds pretty different too

  • @AveEvropa


    Жыл бұрын

    This down to Japanese companies and their English studios always casting the same people, and often casting pack a day Andy's and Andretta's to younger characters. Hard to sound much older when you already sound like you have throat cancer. I always laugh at Alisaie from FFXIV for that reason. For female characters especially, I can't help but shake the feeling it's because there's a clique of people in the English client companies that hate the obsession with young female characters in a lot of Japanese games so they strike out with poor casting choices. Wouldn't surprise me if this was the case either because they already betray the artist and the consumer by taking far too much license with localizations, often changing the entire meaning of a script entirely to suit their own sensibilities. I've always been really bothered by the poor quality of writing and voicing in localized Japanese games as compared to Western-made games because these games really deserve a lot better. A lot of love goes into them.

  • @user-jn2xe5gp8u
    @user-jn2xe5gp8u Жыл бұрын

    24:30 ゆっけの演技たまんねえな 「迷いを晴らす」のところ一番好き

  • @chasethefuture
    @chasethefuture3 жыл бұрын

    Always admired those unique animations they do for the crit cut ins like for Byleth, Catherine, Anna, Yuri, Constance, Hapi, etc

  • @ioncavegrandma9256


    3 жыл бұрын

    The animation they play depends on what weapon they hold and what class they are. Most characters have a unique one for the class they’re meant to go to - eg ingrid is the only one with unique Pegasus knight animations, sylvain has unique cavalier animations, etc. They play the same animation they play when they’re selected most of the time.

  • @nientiendo94
    @nientiendo943 жыл бұрын

    Came here for Constance's laugh...not disappointed

  • @CGrascal
    @CGrascal2 жыл бұрын

    Students in the base game (Part 1): Dimitri "I have you!" "Could you step aside!" "Can you dodge this?" "It's over." Deudue "I'll crush you." "You're in the way!" "This is my duty." "For His Highness." Felix "I saw an opening." "Worthless." "Too slow!" "Is that all?" Slyvain "Don't underestimate me." "Eat this." "I'll make you move." "Open wide." Ingrid "It's over!" "I have you!" "You're defenseless!" "Take this!" Ashe "I'm not going to lose here!" "How about this!" "Right there!" "I can do this!" Annette "I won't lose!" "I'll make you move!" "I can do this!" "Prepare yourself." Mercedes "Sorry about this." "I won't lose." "Move, please." "Here I come." Claude "Don't hold a grudge." "This too was within my plans!" "I've been waiting for this moment!" "Don't get in my way!" Hilda "Enough of this already!" "Geez! What a pain!" "I'll show you how serious I can be?" You leave me no choice." Lorenz "You're an eyesore." "Out of my way!" "Just who do you think I am?" "Enough of this." Ignatz "I'm sorry." "I'll paint my victory here." "I'll end things here." "I can do this!" Leonie "I'm fired up!" "Time to pay you back!" "Keeping it simple!" "Pure grit!" Raphael "I'm in top form!" "I'll send you flying!" "Ba-boom!" "I'll eat you up!" Marianne "I'm sorry." "Don't come near me!" "My blood is fighting against me." "Don't bother yourself with me!" Lysithea "Move." "Don't touch me." "I'm in a hurry." "You're irrelevant." Edelgard "I'll strike you down!" "Don't get in my way!" "Victory is mine." "How's this!" Hubert "Heh heh heh..." "Let me show your place." "You are of no use to me." "I'll crush you like a bug." Dorothea "You're not underestimating me, are you?" "I can't hold back." "I'll show you painful experience." "Don't get in my way." Ferdinand "Know the power of a noble." "Heh! You're wide open." "Victory has been decided." "I'll give it my all." Bernadetta "Why is this happening!" "NOOO!!!! Stay away from me!" "PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!" "Just hurry up and disappear already!!" Linhardt "So be it then." "Oh, an opening?" "I'm doing this because I want to win." "What a bother." Petra "Obstacles be removed." "I'll strike you down with all I have." "Spotted an opening." "I shall win." Caspar "Here it comes!" "Don't get in my way!" "I'll send you flying into the sky!" "This will end it?"

  • @feth2686
    @feth26863 жыл бұрын


  • @schlafenkirsche


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @duonorilluvia2985


    Жыл бұрын

    He's at 7 HP, what did you expect

  • @fyra_cat2119
    @fyra_cat21193 жыл бұрын

    Hubert sounds like a frikin vampire in japanese

  • @regionfuego6


    2 жыл бұрын

    He's Diavolo!

  • @lamponia
    @lamponia3 жыл бұрын

    Can’t stop loving Yuri’s jp voice. It’s just... perfect🥰

  • @kaeyaluckaealberich1612
    @kaeyaluckaealberich16123 жыл бұрын

    Here is something to believe in!

  • @cosmictraveler1146
    @cosmictraveler11463 жыл бұрын

    Oh lord japanese bernadetta is pure earrape.

  • @fyra_cat2119


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@itsdeduesdaymydudes2898 english bernie is lovable and cute, japanese makes me wanna tear my ears off

  • @parzivalvale1496


    3 жыл бұрын

    Ngl i think her jp voice is more cute

  • @aaronbeasley974


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@parzivalvale1496 Tbf/tbh it actually makes sense that her Japanese voice sounds like that since her personality is really similar to that of a mouse

  • @appelofdoom8211


    2 жыл бұрын

    She sounds like she's on helium pre timeskip

  • @fyra_cat2119
    @fyra_cat21193 жыл бұрын

    Bernie Shes lovable in english Shes torturous in japanese

  • @kaji6145
    @kaji61453 жыл бұрын

    Can I marry Sylvain’s Japanese voice Omg Claude and Hubert too Anna’s JAANNEEE is doing things to me Also Constance’s OOOOHOHOOHOO is a masterpiece

  • @LonerofGaming
    @LonerofGaming3 жыл бұрын

    Been a while since I was last here, I gusse we are going full Japanese this time.

  • @praisingintensifies4446


    3 жыл бұрын

    Been a while since I've been here too :P

  • @LonerofGaming


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@praisingintensifies4446 It's nice to see you're back (also note if you don't remember me this is a new account, last one got terminated so rip my other comments on your videos. I'm the dude who was very thankful for the Byleth Niosi video. You do a lot of good stuff)

  • @souhiyori6959


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@LonerofGaming It's good to see you back too.

  • @ItzaMystri
    @ItzaMystri3 жыл бұрын

    It's interesting how many of them change the way they speak during low HP Seeing Edelgard switch to desu/masu is kind of funny

  • @demijaymes
    @demijaymes3 жыл бұрын

    Leonie's Japanese voice is so COOL! I love how tough and gritty she sounds.

  • @regionfuego6


    2 жыл бұрын

    and then if you do her S support, once Byleth shows her the glitch she starts stuttering and her voice goes extremely high pitch. Is cute

  • @FatefulhylianZX
    @FatefulhylianZX3 жыл бұрын

    Praising intensifies you have nice video, I love the critical quotes keep it up!

  • @silentspirit8923
    @silentspirit89233 жыл бұрын

    That classic Hime Laugh from Constance!

  • @redviolet5158
    @redviolet51583 жыл бұрын

    japanese bernie is... something else...

  • @slurplie


    3 жыл бұрын

    i had to take a second to pause the video because I really wasn’t expecting it to be that bad

  • @souhiyori6959


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@slurplie Well, it at least becomes bearable in post time skip

  • @bernadettavarley


    3 жыл бұрын

    Japanese Bernie be like "iiiiieeeeeiiieieieiiiii"

  • @slurplie


    3 жыл бұрын

    Sou Hiyori it’s definitely a lot... less in the timeskip

  • @s.alam1n
    @s.alam1n3 жыл бұрын

    I love the faces of disgust that they all show, it’s great

  • @berry.x9388
    @berry.x93883 жыл бұрын

    PTSDimitri sounds scary in both languages, i love

  • @cushiticprincess5873
    @cushiticprincess58733 жыл бұрын

    Wow, thanks for doing this! Since the Japanese KZreadrs won’t do it lol

  • @barryb.benson2335
    @barryb.benson23352 жыл бұрын

    I love Leonie's battle cry. It's fierce and adorable at the same time

  • @TheChildofAuraReborn
    @TheChildofAuraReborn3 жыл бұрын

    Dedue ;w; That man still has all my love. His Japanese voice is great. I was totally unprepared for how different Ingrid's Japanese voice sounds compared to her English voice, but I think it still fits. Also dat scream from Mercie. That's a healer who can bring the pain. Blue Lions all the way! But for some of the others, I think I prefer Alois' English voice more. Manuela still sounds gorgeous, though. Dunno how to feel about Balthus though... he doesn't sound as rough-and-tumble as he should. Edit: Never mind, his timeskip has that rough-and-tumble tone.

  • @souhiyori6959
    @souhiyori69593 жыл бұрын

    Here's some Japanese to believe in.

  • @myra9804
    @myra98043 жыл бұрын


  • @Cotf6
    @Cotf62 жыл бұрын

    i see none is talking abt jeritza's voice in japanese...i find it shocking ;--;"

  • @Crisuki_Misu
    @Crisuki_Misu3 жыл бұрын

    Did they straight up just.....switch voice actors for Ignatz after the time skip??

  • @aaronbeasley974


    3 жыл бұрын

    No its the same voice actor just in different pitches Pre-timeskip: squeaky and childlike matching his appearance Post-timeskip: his actual voice

  • @youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263


    2 жыл бұрын

    No English voice actors didn't really change voices before and after time skip. This is why you need to play the japanese version in japanese text.

  • @shoretrooper74


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263 I mean they were all either 17 or older so their voices not changing much isn’t surprising.

  • @aberrantapocrypha
    @aberrantapocryphaАй бұрын

    good god pre-timeskip ignatz and ashe sound so young

  • @srirachainthebowl
    @srirachainthebowl3 жыл бұрын

    Can you make a video of a unit quote after they kills an enemy? before and after timeskip.

  • @elevate07
    @elevate073 жыл бұрын

    Those Black Eagle classes. The memes have gotten out of control

  • @victorvaquer94


    2 жыл бұрын

    War master Linhardt is somewhat terrifying

  • @Rene99999
    @Rene999992 жыл бұрын

    Jp sylvain got me weak

  • @joshuagabrielcatindig7607
    @joshuagabrielcatindig76073 жыл бұрын

    Claude sounds a lot like Yosuke in JP. Same with Hilda and Ann.

  • @manuelaismommy4596


    3 жыл бұрын

    Futaba is lysithea

  • @LexieLyn
    @LexieLyn2 жыл бұрын

    I wish I could find the translation for all the Japanese quotes. Unfortunately, all I'm finding are the English ones.

  • @troIIdier
    @troIIdier3 жыл бұрын

    Half expected Seteth to go WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

  • @alondraarmendarez2696
    @alondraarmendarez26963 жыл бұрын

    I want to know what's happening on that Black Eagles run.

  • @breadburner7276


    3 жыл бұрын

    idk what gas that dudes on

  • @aaronbeasley974


    2 жыл бұрын

    He hates the eagles so apparently he gave them the worst classes(focusing on their weaknesses) besides edelgard

  • @stavrosavouris2701


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @user-fo4yx1st1g
    @user-fo4yx1st1g Жыл бұрын

    皆敬語のときは顔が引きつってて辛そう…… 本当にこのゲーム作り込みやべえ

  • @user-jy7hi3lr8g


    Жыл бұрын


  • @victorvaquer94
    @victorvaquer942 жыл бұрын

    Japanese Manuela and Leonie both sound so fucking angry

  • @youcandoitbacon3782
    @youcandoitbacon37823 жыл бұрын

    Omg Bernadetta

  • @missquark_
    @missquark_2 жыл бұрын

    3:40 What happened to Ignatz? He's the same age as the others, was he castrated? I'd swap his and Leonie's voices to be honest! Marianne has such a nice voice, her english counterpart did a great job too.

  • @Jacksonthehedgehog9


    2 жыл бұрын

    Yeah. Marianne has a very calming voice in both jp and English. -a random person who I swear is not a bird in disguise. Pay no mind to the odd back shape.

  • @aaronbeasley974


    2 жыл бұрын

    It is a boy that is voicing Ignatz, its the same as his timeskip voice, so its likely their to match his childlike appearance.

  • @forjqoijasd


    Жыл бұрын

    At least he sounds fine post timeskip

  • @PeruvianPotato


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@aaronbeasley974 Yea but he sounds like he hasn't even reached puberty yet despite the fact he's 16

  • @SlavinRagnavoire
    @SlavinRagnavoire3 жыл бұрын

    ah i love japanese voice~

  • @hito-sama
    @hito-sama9 ай бұрын

    HOOOHOHOHO -Constance

  • @MadeOfConfusion
    @MadeOfConfusion3 жыл бұрын

    This has raised to my attention that you can recruit Aelfric? I recruited the main four and then didn't even think about it hahaha.

  • @PokeMaster979899


    3 жыл бұрын

    You can't, he just has crit quotes as an NPC/ally unit.

  • @MadeOfConfusion


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@PokeMaster979899 Oh! Okay, his HP bar was blue rather than green, that was what threw me off. Thank you♡

  • @SweaterPuppys
    @SweaterPuppys3 жыл бұрын

    If you played Fates in Japanese and thought Pieri was annoying allow me to introduce you to this 6:22

  • @AveEvropa


    Жыл бұрын

    She's great, don't dis on my shut in with an anxiety disorder.

  • @SweaterPuppys


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AveEvropa it’d be awesome if it wasn’t played for laughs and wasn’t her core character trait and gimmick

  • @AveEvropa


    Жыл бұрын

    @@SweaterPuppys It's not really a gimmick, she really grows from it and learns to break out of her shell. It's a major part of her backstory and her character development. That it's also funny is kind of besides the point. The seiyuu sounds like she's putting her best into it, at least. I don't feel that from the English VA.

  • @minortatu3311


    Жыл бұрын

    The main reason why I could not play in Japanese

  • @sock312
    @sock3123 жыл бұрын

    Mercedes is doing things to me

  • @leehyun2662


    2 жыл бұрын

    Can you be more specific? Since I heard that is Yumiri Hanamori who voiced her

  • @jazzedup7962
    @jazzedup79622 жыл бұрын

    when did dio get green hair 7:50

  • @HHopebringer
    @HHopebringer10 ай бұрын

    7:49 DIOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  • @namo5056
    @namo50562 жыл бұрын

    Dio seteth is a bit intimidating.

  • @snow0w120
    @snow0w1203 жыл бұрын

    I thought this was gonna be a song, since I listen to much Japanese music.. oh how I was wrong ..

  • @astra8815
    @astra88153 жыл бұрын

    Japanese bernie be like: *inhales helium* *inhales helium* *inhales helium* *inhales helium*

  • @Alicious_Al
    @Alicious_Al Жыл бұрын

    Why is Bernie a Heavy Armor class?!?! 🤣🤣

  • @Terensworth
    @Terensworth3 жыл бұрын


  • @blupengu
    @blupengu3 ай бұрын

    whoa, okay some of the time skip voices actually sound so different?? iirc none of the english ones have much of a difference post time skip 🤔 enough people are mentioning bernie's jp voice, but WHAT is jeritza's lmaooooo, my man sounds crazy in english and japanese 😂

  • @aberrantapocrypha


    Ай бұрын

    ignatz’s voice gets deeper post-timeskip in the english dub! not by too much, but the change is there edit: whoops skimmed over the “much of” in your comment. yes you’re right haha

  • @pacifist357
    @pacifist3573 жыл бұрын

    Hey what’s the song version called at like 25:00 ish

  • @praisingintensifies4446


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @pacifist357


    3 жыл бұрын

    Praising Intensifies ty ^-^

  • @manuelaismommy4596
    @manuelaismommy45963 жыл бұрын

    Honestly after a hard inner debate I can say the English cast is way more enjoyable

  • @youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263


    2 жыл бұрын

    Because you started with english voices. You should have tried starting the game in Japanese voices, you would understand a lot of substances that were lost in english

  • @manuelaismommy4596


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263 nah I still prefer the English VA

  • @youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@manuelaismommy4596 Bruh but you never started with japanese lmao. Cause psychology works in a sense that you will prefer the voices that you are more familiar with.

  • @manuelaismommy4596


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263 I started with the Japanese va but I switched after chapter 3 😂

  • @youtubedeletedmyaccountlma2263


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@manuelaismommy4596 Welp Not my problem if you don't appreciate the little details every here and there lel. And also the japanese translation for support were "wrong" localisation simply just changed the dialogue lots of times

  • @lindaunderling4637
    @lindaunderling4637 Жыл бұрын

    Sowhen criting ay low health they have different faces?

  • @xMisterkinox
    @xMisterkinox3 жыл бұрын

    Black eagles you inversed all the classes? How is possible Hubert fighting in att, ferdinant and edelgard as mage and others .... how is possible ? :D

  • @breadburner7276


    3 жыл бұрын

    change thier goals

  • @disgustof-riley8338


    3 жыл бұрын

    With memes, anything is possible

  • @user-go8my5bh7p
    @user-go8my5bh7p2 жыл бұрын

    10:53 バルタザールなんて言ってる? 〇〇の大勝負!だと思うんだけど

  • @user-ul9zo6ds7e


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @user-go8my5bh7p


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @lucatdcat8720
    @lucatdcat8720 Жыл бұрын

    After hearing his voice in English, Ignatz sounds way too different for my liking

  • @Pmu_Sh0wd0wn
    @Pmu_Sh0wd0wn3 жыл бұрын

    Kind of dissapointed of Hubie's laugh in Japanese

  • @SlavinRagnavoire


    3 жыл бұрын

    english ver Hubert laugh seems like hot blooded guy with maniac laugh

  • @AutocraticAnarchy


    3 жыл бұрын

    I’m accustomed to EN Hubernaut’s laughter, but I think his JP voice has its own charm - it goes for a soft, amused chuckle (as if you’ve just fallen from your hiding place as he comes to murder you) where in EN it’s more of a triumphant cackle.

  • @seychan4961
    @seychan496110 ай бұрын


  • @fedechan6325
    @fedechan63253 жыл бұрын

    Ignatz,,,, why does Leonie sound like more of a guy than you? Hubert and Dorothea's voices............ I'mso glad I'm bisexual

  • @sock312


    3 жыл бұрын

    Hubert and Mercedes are getting me so I getcha

  • @disgustof-riley8338


    3 жыл бұрын

    Ignatz hit puberty hard though post timeskip

  • @aberrantapocrypha


    Ай бұрын

    ignatz hit puberty hella late lmao

  • @JordiumZ
    @JordiumZ2 жыл бұрын

    The english voice actor is better IMO especially for Igantz and Berniedetta

  • @praisingintensifies4446
    @praisingintensifies44463 жыл бұрын


  • @mirumiruyokouwuowo7068


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @SlavinRagnavoire


    3 жыл бұрын

    shinjiru mono no tame!

  • @sAttE_yOAkE_kUrU_kOnAInOkA


    Жыл бұрын

    Zatto konnna monn desu.

  • @user-bk1mz7ec5v
    @user-bk1mz7ec5v8 ай бұрын


  • @nix8845


    8 ай бұрын


  • @SkyWalkerFX1
    @SkyWalkerFX12 жыл бұрын

    Yuri=Itadori Yuji

  • @Cthight
    @Cthight2 ай бұрын

    03:59 leonie is saying hentai?

  • @pamelachua2651
    @pamelachua26512 жыл бұрын

    I'm proficient in both English and Japanese and usually prefer Japanese voices but here the English voices are just far too much superior I don't get how so many people criticise it lol Also some of the Japanese script just felt very unnatural especially the polite forms

  • @AveEvropa


    Жыл бұрын

    I find the English VA's are better at voice pretending than voice acting. Their performances always breaking the fourth wall for me, they never seem sincere compared to other western games. I literally want to die of cringe every time I hear their performances in Japanese games. Don't get this reaction playing Western games. I couldn't know if the Japanese script is unnatural because I can't understand everything they are saying and so can't really ascertain whether their performance seems sincere but I find it is much less grating on the ears.

  • @Ruibarbo57
    @Ruibarbo572 жыл бұрын

    All of the female units sound the same 😭

  • @nessdbest8708
    @nessdbest87086 ай бұрын

    Ignatz's Japanese voice is so bad wtf.

  • @thefilmerrFett5102
    @thefilmerrFett51023 жыл бұрын

    I hate Dimitri's VA in Japanese, Maybe I'm too used to cris hackney

  • @angelolobo54
    @angelolobo543 жыл бұрын

    Hi hello
