This is why people fail Army Basic Training

There are 3 main reasons why someone might fail Army basic training. Let me give you a heads up about those 3 in this video.
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I make videos on topics I have direct experience with as well as indirect experience with to help save some people the time to research the topic on their own. Be aware mistakes can be made as well as changes can be made by the Army. It’s best to use my content as a reference, but if needed you should always talk with an Army recruiter for more information on a topic. The content I create is my own opinion and experiences. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. I also do not represent the DOD and all content in my videos are my opinions.

Пікірлер: 257

  • @christopherchaos
    @christopherchaos3 ай бұрын

    Visit to get 20% off your Raycon order with FREE shipping.

  • @dbesh5723
    @dbesh57233 ай бұрын

    I ship out Tuesday to fort Jackson. 28 years old lost 60 lbs so I could get to the 28% body fat percentage and I’m ready to get my Army career started!!

  • @pricelessppp


    3 ай бұрын

    What mos? I'm a civilian.

  • @SageQu


    3 ай бұрын

    I am heading to fort Jackson next month as well . Wish us good luck tho

  • @dbesh5723


    3 ай бұрын

    @@pricelessppp 91M

  • @timparkhurst8759


    3 ай бұрын

    I'm shipping to ft Jackson April 23rd 25 Bravo

  • @RodneyCopper-Bottom


    3 ай бұрын

    Yo I'm leaving on Tuesday too. For fort Benning I'm gonna be a 11x

  • @Black_Cats_Of_War
    @Black_Cats_Of_War3 ай бұрын

    It's impossible to fail Army bootcamp. The reason I say that is all you have to do is follow instructions. They tell you everything you need to do to pass.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Exactly, just like in that TV show Malcolm in the middle. Just do everything they tell to do!

  • @smokey04b53
    @smokey04b533 ай бұрын

    I went through Infantry and Airborne School at the age of 24, with a college degree, in the winter of 93-94. Basic is so easy if you fail out the only person you can blame is you. Best advice: turn off you brain and react to everything the drill sgts tell you to do. Don't question, don't argue, don't try to apply any type of logic to it, just react, quickly.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    11B1P smokey 82 or 101?

  • @TomCastor
    @TomCastor3 ай бұрын

    Mental Physical Emotional Same as it’s always been!

  • @extravv4699


    3 ай бұрын

    apply to life!!

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    I see what you did MPES lol

  • @MichaelSSmith-hs5pw
    @MichaelSSmith-hs5pw3 ай бұрын

    I was drafted into the Army during Vietnam. Nobody failed basic training during that period. I saw drill sergeants firing trainees weapons for them so they could pass the firing range test & graduate. Nobody failed basic during Vietnam. Uncle Sam needed body counts in the ‘Nam!

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    The perfect person to ask. Should the US outlaw the draft?

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    And they didn't give you men enough time to train or did it not matter.

  • @MichaelSSmith-hs5pw


    3 ай бұрын

    @@GrantWaller.-hf6jn No, the draft should be reinstated so Gen Z will know what freedom really means!!

  • @MichaelSSmith-hs5pw


    3 ай бұрын

    @@GrantWaller.-hf6jn It didn’t matter, just so long as the politicians could boast about body counts & use it to get more money from Uncle Sam!

  • @MichaelSSmith-hs5pw


    3 ай бұрын

    @@GrantWaller.-hf6jn It didn’t matter, politicians got their money.

  • @alexmiller1098
    @alexmiller10983 ай бұрын

    Thank you for the amazing content! I am going active duty soon and your videos have been great help. Please keep it going. Chaos team rocks!!

  • @wherecar54
    @wherecar543 ай бұрын

    Back in the late 70’s I went through basic, there was about 60 that started in the platoon, by the time I graduated there was about 30 of us left. Many were discharged for medical, but most were out for physical issues. Some were discharged for not firing a record score with the M16. One guy couldn’t do a pullup, he was National Guard and Driil Sargeants had no tolerance for them, Regular Army was their priority. Kinda sad, boot for me was a breeze.

  • @jeffmattiford7356
    @jeffmattiford73563 ай бұрын

    One recruit same thing him and the SR. Drill Sargent when to have a “ talk” Sargent came back never saw the recruit again. Tough guys find out they ain’t that tough😁😁

  • @reneanguiano5248


    3 ай бұрын

    What are you trying to say?

  • @jeffmattiford7356


    3 ай бұрын

    @@reneanguiano5248 they use to deal with problems a little bit differently. Not condoning violence but it happened.

  • @heatheruntz5315
    @heatheruntz53153 ай бұрын

    The only people I saw that didn't make it were people who got injured.

  • @MediocreMedic123


    3 ай бұрын

    Or an autist

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    We had one that broke his leg on the first day of Basic and he made it to the end. Cast and all!

  • @EmelyPhan


    3 ай бұрын

    @@tatumergo3931 Sounds like dude was hopping around and somehow passing through things

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    @@EmelyPhan . Nah, he just got so scared of the Drill Sgt that he passed out and fell down the stairs on week 0.

  • @nickknightly8939
    @nickknightly89393 ай бұрын

    Shipping out to Fort Sill on June 10th fo OSUT. Cant wait to to get there!

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Good luck soon to be Sir

  • @mr-vet
    @mr-vet3 ай бұрын

    Went to Army BCT in Jan 1989 at Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri. Damn it was cold! And, I grew up in Indiana. Some days we had to do PT in the gym because of the windchill; they cut bivouac short by a day due because it was so cold…

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Sounds like Hollywood to me. Getting bivouac cut short because of the weather.....😅 Now the summer in Ft. Sill Oklahoma was a real nut cracker, then getting sent to Germany in the winter because you thought it was a good idea and you wanted to see the world! Yeah! That was a bright idea alright... three Grafenworh and a Wildflecken later, you start considering if the navy wouldn't have been so bad afterall even though you don't know how to swim. At least REFORGER was a nice break, since that one was done in the summer...

  • @VGMRMissCoriel
    @VGMRMissCoriel3 ай бұрын

    A lot of people In my basic left.. At least to me. One left due to medical, another to failure to adapt.. A couple of them were dirtbags and should of never joined and were happy they were getting kicked out...

  • @lubaanderson3616
    @lubaanderson36163 ай бұрын

    Thanks! My son joined the Army and now i know what to expect.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Some I want to go home. This stinks then OMG this great my buddy this and that. Home front is as important then the battle front.

  • @rg7783
    @rg77833 ай бұрын

    I’m going to Ft Benning this month for OSUT, 22 weeks. I’m freaking out a little bit.

  • @vincemurdock8841


    3 ай бұрын

    I did OSUT there, it's a great place to learn and grow. The cadre and DS are serious about making you into the best soldier you can be. You got this, just take it day by day.

  • @Lazshadow


    3 ай бұрын

    Don’t go your going to hate life at 30th and basic trust me

  • @user-cc4xh7qm1g


    3 ай бұрын

    Don’t do it man I was infantry it’s a shit show

  • @thealleycatmma


    3 ай бұрын

    I'm going in one month

  • @collguyjoe99


    3 ай бұрын

    Fresh Meat for Sand HIl!

  • @steel90912
    @steel909123 ай бұрын

    When I was at FLW about 5 people failed basic. A few failed the PT tests on purpose. Even a few failed AIT on purpose (12B).

  • @nathangallegos9304
    @nathangallegos93043 ай бұрын

    BCT is not that hard too pass now in today’s age 2024 I joined in 2019 and there was this one kid I remember he stood up while we got our BCT photo taken and said I don’t want to be here DS! DS said don’t quit here quit when you get to your unit Another was when we went to bed after being there for 2 days on zero week one of them was crying across our bunks another sat up and said “Yo shut the F*** up I’m trying to sleep!” We all laughed

  • @RichV20


    3 ай бұрын

    LOL after a week of no sleep, Id have said the same thing. Ill give you something to cry about.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын


  • @TheBlackhorse1954
    @TheBlackhorse19543 ай бұрын

    I was a drill sgt at Ft. Dix from 1981-1984. 3 years as a Basic Training (not AIT) drill. The two most common reasons I lost people were, (1) Attitude/Misconduct, (2) Serious Injury or illness. I never lost a trainee due to PT or Rifle Range. I did have one trainee who was arrested on a felony murder warrant who obviously was discharged. Other than that, the ones who were ultimately discharged were done so under what was called at the time Trainee Discharge Program (TDP). Which was considered unable to adapt to military. But basic was a lot different in the 80's than it is today. Seems like they dumbed it down a lot. If I were on the trail today, many woke would never get past week 2.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын


  • @darkicity
    @darkicity3 ай бұрын

    If you get injured can you still go back to your old job that had to wait for you a year?

  • @marktaylor2608
    @marktaylor26083 ай бұрын

    I got out of basic 2 years ago. I can tell you the day that we met our drill sergeants… since they don’t do the shark attack anymore.. we had to work as a team to carry things and run back to where we needed to go. When we got there, there were so many people that were out of breath or couldn’t get their breath and ambulances had to come and get those individuals. I don’t know if they got recycled, but I never saw them again.

  • @steveedington5231
    @steveedington52313 ай бұрын

    I went in 1975 july in our platoon at ft knox ky at least 12 to 15 guys got kicked out we had older drill sgts if they didnt like those guys looked around and they were gone. I believe the phylosohy was easier to put the dudes on a greyhound bus and get rid of potential problems before the peminent party station had to deal with them instead of pencil whipping these guys and sending them down the line?

  • @demonbadger86
    @demonbadger863 ай бұрын

    BCT is attitude training, man... If you have the right attitude toward yourself and the training then you're going to pass.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    10^10 percent correct

  • @jeffmattiford7356
    @jeffmattiford73563 ай бұрын

    They use to call it remedial PT get up early and a little extra session before chow👍👍

  • @bradbrown7273


    3 ай бұрын

    I remember that lol

  • @michaelsmith5583
    @michaelsmith55833 ай бұрын

    I saw several women graduate osut while still unable to do 1 proper push up. Don’t worry about apft, they will push you through.

  • @carguy4v2222
    @carguy4v22223 ай бұрын

    In basic training at Ft Knox a dude spent $900 of his check in less than 10 mins after a march to the top of a hill. He didnt want to train anymore, 3rd time to recycle to give him a chance......... didnt work i guess.

  • @Myloshonee89
    @Myloshonee893 ай бұрын

    34 years old waiting on my waiver to get approved recruiter told me it’s at the second to last person. But that the main guy approves them if it passes through everyone so I’m hopeful. I’m 180 need to lose 5 pounds cause of my height to be under the weight limit I’m not in shape though but I plan on pushing myself and getting a little ready before leaving. Hoping something in IT or medical

  • @Taz90
    @Taz903 ай бұрын

    I was in Army badic training in 1994. Reception was the 1st week, doing all the in-processibg, medical exam, shots, getting uniforms; learning to fall-in, stand at attention in, & March in formation. When we started actual training the 2nd week, we only had to be able too do 1 regular push up. A couple days later, we had our 1st Physical Fitness test, where we had to do 40 sit-ups in 2 minutes, 20 regular push-ups in 2 minutes, & run 1 mile in a maximum time of 12 minutes. Halfway through, I was forced by my "battle buddy" to go to sick call because I had injured my back, & was put on "Code" for everything, I could not train in any physical way. Couldn't stand/march/run in formation, couldn't do PT, basic self-defense, or obstacles course. I went from being given a pain reliver, to a pain reliever/muscle relaxer, to a pain reliever/muscle relaxer/ anti-inflammitory I. As many wee,ks. I asked every time my back was checked ( 1x a week) if I could get any kind of PT from my back but was repeatedly denied. I finally got frustrated & requested to be RFT. They had a psychologist come & talk with me, & I told him straight-up, "If I can't train, I don't belong here. I'm wasting the drill I structure time, I'm wasting my time, & most importantly I'm wasting tax-payer money. So either put me into a PT program so I can rehab my back & train. Or get me off 'Code' so I can train. If I get recycled, & fail to complete training, then that's on me. But I need to either train, or go home." They weren't initially going to do as I asked, until I revealed my history of depression, which is an automatic DQ for all branches of service, that my recruiter did nnot know. But I reiterated what I said in the previous paragraph. I was then RFT, & when I got out, I found I was given a medical discharge for my back. And was given a re-enlistment code of 3 years (RE:3). Which meant, if I hD wanted to, I could have re-enlisted in 1997, after getting a medical waiver, showing my back was heLed. I decided to go to college instead of into the military.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing that.

  • @briannabenson4173
    @briannabenson41732 ай бұрын

    When I was in Navy basic training, there were 4 people in my division who definitely got kicked out of the Navy & not just recycled into another division. One got kicked out for refusal to train, two got kicked out four serious injuries one of those being a serious spinal injury & the other one being a badly shattered leg, the other person who got kicked out got kicked out because it got found out that they were bulimic & had been purging after meals.

  • @tombob671
    @tombob6713 ай бұрын

    So if you're severely injured and they want to cut you loose, do they ship you to the VA? Are you eligible for disability if you're disabled? Interesting question

  • @BS-uc5lu


    3 ай бұрын

    You are held in your reception bat until youre approved or denied disability. I knew of trainees being there >1 year.

  • @GalvyGordon-qb5ip
    @GalvyGordon-qb5ip3 ай бұрын

    Chris, this is a little off topic...but I understand retention is high across the services. Maybe a good subject for you to talk about. All one hears is the poor numbers on recruiting.

  • @scottrok13
    @scottrok133 ай бұрын

    Note: Accidental Medically discharged from term of service is Not “kicked out.” Kicked out= You usually lose your benefits. Medical discharge based on the circumstances =you may receive treatment and possibly some benefits. I saw a guy go AWOL eight times in basic training. He was finally arrested by the MPs in front of us and then locked up to serve out his tour in the military prison on base. I saw another guy fake an injury trying to get a medical discharge. I saw another guy fake fail many PT tests trying to get discharged (kept getting recycled). so one guy refused to train. They kept him in the office doing all the “grunt work“ to then watch us graduate before he was discharge loss of benefits. back in the mid-80’s. (not that different than the basic training scene from the movie Stripes)😂😢

  • @golfery5119
    @golfery51193 ай бұрын

    Probably in all basic training cycles, theres at least one person who either gets recycled or gets taken out alltogether. I remember one guy who wound up on crutches for some injury and had to get taken out. I won't forget seeing a drill sergeant in our bay just chew him out while he was on his crutches, and he couldn't do anything but put his head down in shame. I had a guy with me on the confidence team climbing tower and he fell off and broke his neck and got paralyzed from the neck down. Of course he had to he taken out.

  • @Madmagic


    2 ай бұрын

    Had a guy in the company next to ours do the same shit but wasn't paralyzed but he had to wear that neck brace for the next 14 weeks!

  • @golfery5119


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Madmagic they obviously sent him home?

  • @jeraldbottcher1588
    @jeraldbottcher15883 ай бұрын

    When i went to basic in the 70's we did practice PT tests every Saturday. We did not have anyone who failed basic for PT. We had some recycles for weapons qualification.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Every so often you will have some of those, weapon qualifiers failures.... nothing like the taste of leather up your ass to set you straight! Raw elbows from the hot desert floor, but boy oh boy a little motivation and the fear of being recycled and you qualify expert.

  • @jeraldbottcher1588


    3 ай бұрын

    @@tatumergo3931 Yeah I remember there was one kid in my basic training who just could not qualify. He had problems even zeroing in his rifle. He tried to qualify six times and then they recycled him. This was in the 2nd week of basic. I heard that they went ahead and had him see the eye doctor and it turns out he had an astigmatism. Once he got corrective lenses he was able to shoot expert. Kinda sucked for him, but at that time when they would recycle you, they just sent you to another company that was in the same week you failed out of.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    @@jeraldbottcher1588 . Sadly the US military thinking, also having to do with current political climate, doesn't believe in pre-military service training. Unlike other countries, specifically those who were former Soviet satellites and even today in Russia. Ofcourse the current quality of the Russian military is very low and that's due to the levels of corruption.

  • @oldcop18
    @oldcop183 ай бұрын

    I went through Navy boot camp in 1965 & it was plenty tough, but I was only 18, did what I was told and got through it like almost everyone else. The Navy is where I did most of my growing up and I carry most of those lessons with me to this day.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Sir where you drafted?

  • @jovanni_orb5116
    @jovanni_orb5116Ай бұрын

    Great video idea, what is Basic and AIT like for prior service that been out longer than five years?

  • @JazzyCrochets
    @JazzyCrochetsАй бұрын

    Can I still do Combat training if I'm I wanna be in medical?

  • @ernestjohnson1275
    @ernestjohnson1275Ай бұрын

    How is it possible to fail army boot camp??

  • @baabo708
    @baabo7082 ай бұрын

    Did Basic at Ft. Lewis 1970. One of the guys in my platoon got into a beef with some guys from another platoon at the single pay phone behind our barracks. It turned physical and he used one of the decorative rocks on a guy's head to make his point. They were all sent to the "punishment platoon" for a week, which meant that after regular training, they were marched off to the PP and then made to lug sandbags around and carry logs for a few more hours, then had some crappy rations for the evening meal and slept on a concrete floor with a single blanket. How did I know this? Because after he was done, the senior drill sergeant had him stand before us and recount his punishment, adding in at the end "That you really, really don't want to go to the "punishment platoon". Do they still have this today? This was, of course, during Nam and they weren't going to kick you out for some "minor" craziness.

  • @drusmith3480
    @drusmith34803 ай бұрын

    A guy I knew in basic training got kicked out for refusing to handle an M16.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    What the FUUGG was he doing there in the first place? Did he think he was joining the Boys Scouts?

  • @revthwack
    @revthwackАй бұрын

    Went through Basic in early 2000. We had a male & female get chaptered for having sex during fire watch, had one guy get chaptered due to emotional reasons, and one guy really earned his chapter by going AWOL during church service with only two weeks to go.

  • @techytv23
    @techytv233 ай бұрын

    Shipping out on June 3rd . Hope to get through it .

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Read some of the other posts some good advice here. After you get out. Wow free drinks. On my first leave I got free beer and meal from the restaurant owner he was Navy. At that time I just finished Airborne school took a brake then off to Bragg not f ING liberty. RAMBO said BRAGG it's BRAGG.

  • @Acoto
    @Acoto3 ай бұрын

    Fail? How many people are even joining these day?

  • @timparkhurst8759


    3 ай бұрын

    The 1% my brother 💪

  • @golfery5119


    3 ай бұрын

    ​@@timparkhurst8759 a lot less than 1% nowadays apparently. Can't say I blame them. They can find jobs with insurance benefits and they know now how terrible the military as a whole is, but especially the army/marine corps , (not even taking toxic leadership into account) and decide they don't want anything to do with it.

  • @josiahneal9440
    @josiahneal94403 ай бұрын

    Any advice for the Op 40 guys and how they should do there fitness test

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Start training now! Running and walking a lot is your best bet, specially in leather boots (that's for the walking part). If you can get a back pack and put a 50 lbs weight in it. Push-ups and sit-ups will come naturally, they'll make you do a lot of those. But to get through the hardest part, running and long distance walking with weight in your back is the best exercise. The rest is use your maturity to guide the younger crowd, and understand that this is a process to teach you how to deal with the eventuality that military service involves. There's some stupid sheeiit like polishing the bottom of your boots which will throw you off, but one day they might ask you to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft with a parachute and you just can't have second thoughts in that moment... You will need to get the fuugg out of that plane!

  • @Jimsac8
    @Jimsac83 ай бұрын

    I've seen some people get kicked out of basic training for failure to adapt.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Well that will pretty much do it. The sole purpose of the organization is to create a chohessive team. People with a strong sense of individuality need not apply!

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    ​@@tatumergo3931good post you said it team bulding. We got a new guy in my platoon. Seemed okay then he told me that he was better then the team. Okay big mistake dumbass. I called a meeting told the guys what this cherry said. So we planed the mission. He was friends with my roommate. I kicked out of our room. His roommate unlocked the door and we got him. The next day after training. I called him in my room gave him a beer. Told him we are a team. I was an E4 so yes I could pull rank on him. Needless to say he enjoyed my next birthday pinkbelly

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    ​what about people with low self-esteem?

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    @@GrantWaller.-hf6jn . Those are the ones more easily molded. Besides the confidence they gain from it, turns them into a whole new person. Basic training doesn't care about that, it's just about going through the process and letting yourself be guided... Resistance is futile!

  • @liahnotleah
    @liahnotleah3 ай бұрын

    Back when my father was in BCT, back in the 70s, they allowed anyone and everyone to join. One guy in his Company was a felon that was given two choices: jail or service. He chose service. And one day during range day, the drill sergeant was smoking him and yelling and shit, and this dude just got so fed up with it that he rolled over from his prone position and lit up the DS. Safe to say he got kicked out.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    After Nam almost nobody want to enlist. Back then people would boo you in uniform.

  • @matthewmarston5149
    @matthewmarston51493 ай бұрын

    Physical Activity 😊

  • @nates656
    @nates6562 ай бұрын

    How tf do ppl fail BCT nowadays after all the changes?

  • @earldonovan1229
    @earldonovan12293 ай бұрын

    What is the benefit doing T pushups compared to regular pushups

  • @Rambo1338


    3 ай бұрын

    its harder so its better for triceps

  • @christopherchaos


    3 ай бұрын

    It's also to simulate getting up from the prone position multiple times.

  • @timparkhurst8759


    3 ай бұрын

    To be honest they are a little more difficult to bust out repeatedly. Ensures you're "going all the way down"

  • @skeletonbuyingpealts7134
    @skeletonbuyingpealts71343 ай бұрын

    7:50 holy shit we found him, the guy that would have punched his DS in the mouth

  • @hlriiiviiiv
    @hlriiiviiiv2 ай бұрын

    Who fails basic training, it’s like summer camp….unless you go in the winter. Regular duty station is where privates fail.

  • @futureincc721
    @futureincc7213 ай бұрын

    I know someone that got kicked out for getting Hurt he was a Marine he was there for a month then got hurt

  • @johnzazrian2009
    @johnzazrian20092 ай бұрын

    Graduated BCT Fort Leonard Wood MO February 1985 D 1-3 there were a few recycled because of weight and failed PT test scores 99% passed

  • @doomdoomerson6524
    @doomdoomerson65243 ай бұрын

    Meps ... Tomorrow!10am

  • @arnaldolopez3961


    3 ай бұрын

    Good luck! I’m planning to join also but I’m afraid that they found something that would disqualify me even though I’m 100% healthy. Let us know it went!

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Go with the flow and don't stand out, unless you can take the extra heat. Oh and yeah don't volunteer for any other already fugg up! Welcome to the brotherhood, don't wash out!

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    ​@@arnaldolopez3961. Unless you're illegal, or have a criminal record that hasn't been resolved yet or that happened after you turn 18 they'll pretty much overlook it. What is it any way? Better be honest and not let them find out later... this ain't the French foreign legion!

  • @doomdoomerson6524


    3 ай бұрын

    @@arnaldolopez3961 I'm sorta worried about ANYTHING that "disqualifies" me...but from what I've learned recently, there's a job for you anyway. Do it. Oh... passed my asvab and T tests today! I can have the jobs I listed if they're available. (My #1 ) !! PsychOPS!! Human intelligence Gather (Something nuclear involved) Musician Infantryman

  • @doomdoomerson6524


    3 ай бұрын

    And my update comment just disappeared I assume lol

  • @anonymousm9113
    @anonymousm91132 ай бұрын

    The biggest one I saw as a Drill Sergeant was lack of motivation, or rather letting peers demotivate them. I saw, time and again, Trainees who either got injured or otherwise missed a little training. I got it, when you're looking at a 14-week OSUT (at the time), finding out that you might have to rotate to another company a week or two behind your current class is like a lifetime. Even just having to make up training with another company means you have to go do [insert training event here] with a bunch of strangers who are beneath you. Looking back to my time in OSUT, earning each Phase streamer for the guidon made us feel a little better than the "new guys", and earning the helmet cover after nine weeks meant we were Soldiers well on our way to becoming Infantrymen. Beware Sick Call... there are professional shirkers down there who will convert the most motivated Trainee into an ELS case within minutes. Say you mention that your hip is hurting a little. Policy on Sand Hill was an instant trip to the battalion athletic trainers, followed by a referral to Sick Call. Nothing major, PA says you're good to go but puts you on a 72-hour profile to be sure, with a follow up in two days. While you're waiting, though, PVT McStuffins and PV2 Matlock are filling you in. PVT McStuffins, a virtual doctor with no fewer than ten trips to Sick Call under her belt, tells you that you'll be recycled to Day 1, so you might as well just keep coming to Sick Call to get as much documented as you can. PV2 Matlock, a would-be barracks lawyer, tells you the magical acronym that you need to say as soon as Drill Sergeant mentions anything about retraining or recycling: "RTT!" "Refuse to train, Drill Sergeant!" During my six cycles, it seemed that at least one or two would fall victim to the team of McStuffins and Matlock within the first week or two of training. Good kid, motivated, team player, then a trip to Sick Call and they're on the sidelines by the end of Red Phase, doing gate guard duties and waiting to get chaptered out (usually just before Family Day or Graduation).

  • @ot7694
    @ot76943 ай бұрын

    Are they going to ask you to het the jab if you haven't gotten it

  • @Utah-sr7co
    @Utah-sr7co3 ай бұрын

    Simple the only ones who fail are the ones who can’t conform.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын


  • @k2beenraw
    @k2beenraw3 ай бұрын

    Should I bring my wedding band to basic I’m going in married… going in as 92f ship may 14th

  • @christopherchaos


    3 ай бұрын

    I think they usually have you lock things like that up when training, but it's up to you.

  • @timparkhurst8759


    3 ай бұрын

    I ship April 23rd. As far as I know you're allowed only wedding band under the "jewelry" category. I'll be keeping mine

  • @golfery5119


    3 ай бұрын

    Keep it at home for your time in basic and even your time in ait. For one, while it is not impossible (I have seen it once in basic and once in ait) it's not that likely for most trainees that they'll fraternize with other gender trainees.. Also, especially in basic (not too likely in ait unless you're going to be an 11b, which you said you're going to be a 92f), you'll be in the woods and low crawling on the ground and all that other stuff (it is the army/marines). You don't want to take a chance on it slipping off and losing it when you're in the woods. So I would advise not even bringing it to basic, or ait. If you are active duty then bring it to your unit when you're done with ait.

  • @ryanwilliams9892


    3 ай бұрын

    I recommend getting a rubber/silicone ring for basic that you dont have to worry about damaging or losing. Plus if it gets caught on something it wont take your finger with it

  • @braedenwilson8373


    3 ай бұрын

    There's athletic wedding rings that are rubber ring u put on. I'd recommend that, my dad wears them while working out or on runs

  • @Lazshadow
    @Lazshadow3 ай бұрын

    Bro nobody failing basic training no more, that’s all I’m saying

  • @FrauWilhelmKlink


    2 ай бұрын

    We going back to the 'Nam era fail rate of 0% fr😂

  • @Lazshadow


    2 ай бұрын

    @@FrauWilhelmKlink they’re pushing ppl through and won’t let ppl with injuries reclass they shot for ppl and fudge the numbers on the pt test for ppl to pass

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn
    @GrantWaller.-hf6jn3 ай бұрын

    And for you small guys the most BA WW2 solider was a runt. From the 4th ID the MAN the Legend Audie Murphy.

  • @matthewmarston5149
    @matthewmarston51493 ай бұрын

    I'm a Green Beret

  • @jurban611
    @jurban6113 ай бұрын

    Notification platoon

  • @kevinray5636
    @kevinray56362 ай бұрын

    In 1975 At Ft Lost in the Woods, I guy tried to kill himself by eating a bottle of aspirin. The Army cut him loose.

  • @yourfriend4104
    @yourfriend41043 ай бұрын

    Really isn't hard. Join with 20% or lower fat to make it easy. Any more, hopefully you can run or hold your body. You'll lose the fat regardless. All you have to do is obey, learn what they have to say, and execute. It will suck but you get used to it. Gets easier because you get used to it, not because they go easy on you. Always put in the effort and keep your squad from fucking up. Squad can make or break each other. Thankfully never had that with my squad, but I saw others who always wanted to get in trouble or get eachother in trouble. It might feel long, but it'll feel fast because you're doing the same thing over and over again but changes when the next phase starts.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    It rarely felt that long to me, maybe because there was always something to do. And the last thing you had time for was to think. Go with the flow and stay low, a nail that sticks out gets hammered. There was one incident in the platoon with a problem kid, a real pvt. Leonard "Gomer Pyle" Lawrence. They wanted to give him a blanket party, but my second squad didn't stand for it and got in the way. We were not having that kind of sheeiit in our rotation. 2nd squad was mostly Hispanics and Latinos and we saw that sheeiit as weakness, specially coming from that minority against one of their own. The kid had just been raised by a grandmother and aunts, he didn't know any better and had some sort of hormonal imbalance. Overall after that incident the platoon maintained is cohesiveness and almost made it into first place in the company. We didn't because we lost two of the DS half way through the rotation. The platoon basically started to run itself under the supervision of the Drills from the other platoons, eventually we got our DS's back to graduate.

  • @c-los89
    @c-los893 ай бұрын

    Anyone going to Sill Oklahoma for Basic Training this May 2024?? 😅 I'll be the old man 👴 (35) trying to keep up with all them youngsters.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    You will get named pops old man

  • @mexicool187


    3 ай бұрын

    Charlie Battery, 1st Battalion 40th 2021 34 years old. Did my best.. good luck

  • @user-wp7sq9ov2q
    @user-wp7sq9ov2q3 ай бұрын

    Im going to meps this Friday im scared

  • @samuelrosslee408


    3 ай бұрын

    The Army exists to kill people and break things. It does both in a context of chaos. Everything about BCT is to prepare you to function in the midst of chaos-at least, that's what it used to be. Once you embrace the REASON they do what they do, you should be fine. On day one, graduation seems a long way off. It's not. There's a lot to do and learn. Focus on each task, and the days will roll by. Help your fellow trainees where you can. Get help where you need it. Everyone has a role to play, and you're just playing your role. Before you know it, it will be over. Millions of women and men have done this (including me). You've got this. Good Luck!

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    Fear is good, it keeps you on your toes. Just go with the flow and don't stick out. Do what you are told and you will be fine!

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    I made it and at one time I wanted to quit.

  • @tatumergo3931


    3 ай бұрын

    @@GrantWaller.-hf6jn. Yeah! That happens to everyone. My came 13+ years later, and against better judgment or maybe not, I did. And I don't regret it!

  • @Donner906
    @Donner9063 ай бұрын

    If you don't like it, it is best to refuse to train in basic. Some things get better after basic, some things worse.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Yes mostly worse

  • @FrauWilhelmKlink
    @FrauWilhelmKlink2 ай бұрын

    Honestly, I never understood why anybody would willimgly join _any_ branch of the military, then deliberately try and get themselves kicked out of basic. Seems kind of redundant. Like if you don't want to be there, just don't join in the first place🙄

  • @georgeacun3619


    2 ай бұрын

    People think it was a good idea at time to join then reality hits and they change their minds and I am talking 50 years ago when the all volunteer service began.

  • @FrauWilhelmKlink


    2 ай бұрын

    @@georgeacun3619 Oof. Well, I guess it just shows how many people don't do a decent amount of research before joining. I did a _bunch_ of it before deciding on the career path I wanted to take. Talked to people who currently have the job I want, heard more stories from people who've been in throughout the different decades, looked up the physical requirements, etc. Life is gonna suck at times. The difference is, I'm going in knowing that as opposed to having it come as a surprise. Feel like that's a lot better in the long run.

  • @mikedehn8654
    @mikedehn86543 ай бұрын

    I don't understand why they changed the PT test. Pushups, situps, and 2 mile run is a good measurement. Why change something that's tried and true.

  • @nthedecent7717


    3 ай бұрын

    Leg muscle strength is very important, along with core muscles not just associated with sit-ups. That being said, that can mostly be done with the deadlift PT requirement so it does feel *kinda* needlessly stretched out.

  • @dbesh5723


    3 ай бұрын

    I don’t remember who told me but I’ve heard that sit ups are good but it’s really easy to fracture or break your tailbone if you do them wrong

  • @golfery5119


    3 ай бұрын

    It was made more difficult because even though the United States has won wars for over 200 years, and even though the United States is now a major world superpower, and even though a modern day combat would not be as much battlefield/jungle infantry combat like the Vietnam war and world war 2.... It was decided a few years ago that all of a sudden now, us army soldiers are not fit enough............. That's the official Kool aid version for why the pt test was changed, even though it was already the military's second most physical test after only the marines test. The jaded reason is that some general(s) took notice of CrossFit and decided to make a new PT test influenced by CrossFit in order to make their records look good.

  • @drewstrom1
    @drewstrom13 ай бұрын

    Mental health.

  • @user-cc4xh7qm1g
    @user-cc4xh7qm1g3 ай бұрын

    Don’t do it! I joined thinking it would be a good career and quickly realized it’s just full of trash. It’s not worth it the leadership will do everything they can to ruin your life. You have to understand you are literally a slave the second you go to basic

  • @kayp4601


    3 ай бұрын

    The benefits you earn once you get out are amazing. Yes, you put up with BS while in. However, once you get out you earn benefits such as GI Bill for college, VA healthcare, VA home loan, disability compensation for any injuries or illnesses occurred on active duty, and veterans preference for hiring in governmental jobs.

  • @user-cc4xh7qm1g


    3 ай бұрын

    @@kayp4601 good luck getting Va disability

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    I got a job for just for being a vet

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Free drinks. Some schools will invite you to Veterans Day festivities. I did that at my grandson's school. Sporting events have Veterans recognition

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    Military service is not for everyone. Yes

  • @stevejorgensen5274
    @stevejorgensen52743 ай бұрын

    50 years ago other than med readons the only one that I remember was s kid eho lied about age snd was only 16. Rifle qualifying I fired for many with the head nod from a couple DIs. Basic snd 11B AIT was easy for me. Jump school was not any harder. The four month jungle warfare school was not physically hard but mentaly challenging. Intel schools for Air Force, Navy and Army was not physically hard but sfter going through all three it was starting to get mind numbing. To me once you are in descent physical shape it is all mond games. You do make good videos.

  • @GrantWaller.-hf6jn


    3 ай бұрын

    God soo many poeple fell out during jump school. I had to repeat ground week.

  • @WehrmachtKradschutzen
    @WehrmachtKradschutzen3 ай бұрын

    Don’t be dumb you are literally told and how to do everything in basic training the only way you fail is you truly are hopeless

  • @austinshannon4197
    @austinshannon41973 ай бұрын

    The best MLB player in history isn’t Sam sulek.