This first look 🥹

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First looks of Dads and their daughters will always get the tears flowing 🥹
🎥 - @emilyandluke_
#hitched #wedding #weddings #weddingplanning #weddingday #weddinginspo #weddingphotography #shorts

Пікірлер: 884

  • @MsAlixia
    @MsAlixiaАй бұрын

    The fact that he pays attention to the details and points them up. I love a details oriented man. I bet he is a devoted husband and dad

  • @Ivyxxox


    Ай бұрын

    He's definitely the standard. She wouldn't need validation from any other man.

  • @evicaf4e


    Ай бұрын


  • @kendramarjerrison1191


    Ай бұрын

    I came on to say this very thing!!

  • @rebeca5270


    Ай бұрын

    Usted ha violado la Ley de Dios que Él escribió en su corazón; su propia conciencia le condena (¿quién no ha violado su conciencia?). Por lo tanto, merece "la multa"-el castigo del infierno. Pero Dios no quiere darle justicia. Dios es bueno, benigno y bondadoso. ¡Quiere darle misericordia! Por esto, Jesucristo (Dios en la carne) murió en la cruz. Usted violó la Ley pero Cristo pagó su multa. El sufrió en su lugar, como su Sustituto, y resucitó después de tres días. Arrepientase y ponga toda su fe en la Persona y obra de Jesucristo, y asi sera salvo de la ira de Dios.

  • @nadezdalaradimsoski8735


    Ай бұрын

    Everyone loves detail oriented men but not women :(

  • @sinjewepunkt8738
    @sinjewepunkt8738Ай бұрын

    2nd prettiest bride cause his wife was the most beautiful one😢❤

  • @akhiqureshi7866


    Ай бұрын

    It's unclear to me, is his wife not her mum? Is Leslie and second marriage?

  • @meepo-wk3yr


    Ай бұрын

    @@akhiqureshi7866no it is her mum

  • @hillmidget1326


    Ай бұрын

    Haha its because he calls his wife by name XD

  • @laceyjoe5933


    Ай бұрын

    40 Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. There he stayed, 41 and many people came to him. They said, “Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.”42 And in that place many believed in Jesus. Amen John 15:18-19 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. Amen Luke 12:7 "And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." Matthew 7:7-11 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Amen Proverbs 20:9, "Who can say, 'I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin'?" Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you only need to be still John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid Amen Jeremiah 29: 10-15 10 This is what the Lord says: “When seventy yearsare completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you backfrom captivity.[a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” 15 You may say, “The Lord has raised up prophets for us in Babylon,” Joshua 2415: "But if serving the Lord scems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord, Amen 1 Corinthians 1:8 Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes Amen 1 Peter 5:9 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." " Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." Jeremiah 16:16 Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks "Why did I come out from the womb to see toil and sorrow, and spend my days in shame?" -Jeremiah 20:18 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus Amen 1 John 4:20 If we say we love God yet hate a brother or sister, we are liars. For if we do not love a fellow believer, whom we have seen, we cannot love God, whom we have not seen. Isaiah 38:16-17. 16 Lord, by such things people live; and my spirit finds life in them too. You restored me to health and let me live. 17 Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back. Romans 6:20-25 20 When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. 21 What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. Colossians 3:2 NLT Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. II Timothy 4:22 "The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen." Colossians 1:25-29 25 I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness- 26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28 He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. 29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. Amen Luke 12:4-7 4 “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows Amen John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one Acts 8:5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. Luke 22:39-41 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed Amen Philippians 1:22-24 If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far, but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body Amen Ephesians 3:17 So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love Amen Romans 5:8 but God demonstrates his own love toward us and that while we were still sinners Christ died for us Amen John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Amen Philippians 4:23 - “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen” John 13:14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet Amen John 14:13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I'll do it Amen Acts 7:38 He was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our ancestors; and he received living words to pass on to us Amen Isaiah 57:15 For this is what the high and exalted One says - he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with those who are contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.' Acts 10:14-15 "Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean." The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."Amen John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me Amen Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. Isaiah 53:12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. Romans 13:14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature Amen John 10:30 I and the Father are one.” Mark 9:23 “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Amen John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid Amen Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you only need to be still God we praise you. You are the God who fights for us, who provides for us, as we plead before you. We trust in you when we have nothing in and of ourselves.❤️✝️ Jesus Christ loves you all so much God bless you all thank you our Lord and Savior God Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit i love you more than anything Amen

  • @claireschweizer4765


    Ай бұрын

    I was waiting for it. This looks so genuine. Congrats to them ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @larissa6417
    @larissa6417Ай бұрын

    A man who can express what he wants to say AND does it. So wholesome.

  • @margiemckenzie5117


    Ай бұрын

    Wow! ❤❤❤

  • @womanonabicycle
    @womanonabicycleАй бұрын

    He's the dad every girl needs ❤️

  • @twothousandandchew


    Ай бұрын

    as a girl without a dad like that i can confirm. it’s true

  • @Abishhhhh


    Ай бұрын

    But almost nobody gets bc men are monsters 99% of the time haha

  • @nathaly3715


    Ай бұрын

    Definitely. I teared up thinking “damn I wish I had a dad like that”

  • @ihateallyall


    Ай бұрын

    @@twothousandandchewI have a father, my mother wasn’t very present in my life and died when I was 19. I gotta say, my father is just my rock in life. there’s something so different and underappreciated and understood about fathers in a daughters life. I am very empathetic toward you that you did not get to have that experience. ❤

  • @s-rikdo


    Ай бұрын

    @@twothousandandchew I wish I had a dad too , it looks awesome 😢

  • @julia.carr1129
    @julia.carr1129Ай бұрын

    As a daughter who didnt have her dad at her wedding, and who also married a man named marcus, i closed my eyes and sobbed listening to this over and over and over. This almost healed that part of me. Thanks for posting ❤️

  • @katiedolan8524


    Ай бұрын


  • @_sav_age


    Ай бұрын

    As someone who hasn't been around her dad since she was little, knowing he won't be there like this.. made me cry too.

  • @firefightingdrumstick


    Ай бұрын

    Stahhpp you’re gonna make me crryyyy awwww

  • @alexispena4523


    Ай бұрын

    I’m here with you.. crying. This is what all daughters deserve.

  • @firefightingdrumstick


    Ай бұрын

    @@alexispena4523 i knowww. I didn’t have my dad either, so it like really hits home. I’m ok with not having a dad but I’m having my first daughter in June and my husband/her dad is very involved and attentive so like, I can see him doing this when/if our girl finds her person.

  • @fb-yt4ul
    @fb-yt4ulАй бұрын

    This is a prime example of how a dad should be - everyone deserves to have a present, intentional father like him.

  • @ByeByeBelly


    Ай бұрын

    Couldn't imagine!

  • @SkrinkLaDa


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@ByeByeBellyneither could I. My dad would probably make some joke about how my partner is getting lucky tonight, laugh, and then go play on his phone.

  • @Clau574


    Ай бұрын

    Yup, I am so content for the bride. Such a rare father. I could only imagine...

  • @stardust45


    28 күн бұрын


  • @megancross6010
    @megancross60102 ай бұрын

    This is so wholesome. Everyone deserves a dad like him.

  • @-.Ren_Ren.-


    Ай бұрын

    Deserves, no, needs, yes

  • @caidalee1994
    @caidalee1994Ай бұрын

    Everyone, take notes. This is how to compliment: Specific, points out details, genuine.

  • @user-gm9cn4gw6b


    Ай бұрын

    I’m sending it to my husband now

  • @pixie9499
    @pixie9499Ай бұрын

    got me crying at midnight thinking ab how ill never have this. shout out to all the girls who, for whatever reason, don’t have a father. this is an incredibly touching moment & im happy they shared it with us ❤️

  • @chilindrina134


    Ай бұрын

    This video had me crying for that same reason. Normally I don't mind not having either parent really. But damn it do these have me happy bawling for the lucky daughters and fathers to have one another to love and care for. I still have time to strengthen the relationships with my brothers.

  • @tgm2754


    Ай бұрын

    Yet there are so many male friends who become family, a strong alt, a ride or die buddy, that would love to walk you down the isle. Manifest a few good men! 👏👏👏

  • @skylarloveesyouum716


    Ай бұрын

    omg how i feel this ❤😢

  • @CH-od8ni


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you for your comment. Somehow, it means a lot even though it is just a KZread comment. All the best to you

  • @Stitching_Crap


    Ай бұрын

    Here's to you, sweet friend... 🥃 I hope you find a few good, solid men (as I have) to be a part of your life and to stand in, in those moments when a father might otherwise be called upon. 🩷

  • @Zoe_Jen_2009
    @Zoe_Jen_200921 күн бұрын

    Such a sweet dad

  • @Clau574
    @Clau574Ай бұрын

    A true gentleman father.❤

  • @justincase7848
    @justincase7848Ай бұрын

    Man knows how to give good compliments. Such an important skill to make people feel cherished.

  • @mslady1521
    @mslady1521Ай бұрын

    What a sweet dad. I love this interaction.

  • @timetraveler5246
    @timetraveler5246Ай бұрын

    She is truly a most stunning and classy bride. She wears her dress beautifully. 🥂

  • @feeltheshift22
    @feeltheshift22Ай бұрын

    Wow I can't imagine my dad admiring me so deeply. Lucky woman.

  • @Tally-vision


    Ай бұрын

    I agree! My Dad would be asking when he can leave...

  • @farzanehrahimi1944
    @farzanehrahimi1944Ай бұрын

    Got me crying. It reminds me of my own dad. He was a supportive kind-hearted well-spoken man. I miss him so much. RIP dad.

  • @samanthacroucherr


    Ай бұрын

    ❤❤❤ sending you all the love ❤️

  • @farzanehrahimi1944


    Ай бұрын

    @@samanthacroucherr thank you ❤️❤️🥹🥹

  • @letstrytodoit


    Ай бұрын

    He is smiling looking down to u..❤

  • @riiisteaparty2597
    @riiisteaparty259722 күн бұрын

    his gasp is so cute 🥹

  • @tincoral
    @tincoral2 ай бұрын

    I would accept it as the beautiful compliment that it is. That dress is stunning!!

  • @Kikkarlin


    Ай бұрын

    Yeah, I think I'd start crying like she said 😭

  • @shawnatrent5893


    Ай бұрын

    Honestly it's more of a compliment, it compliments his own nature. And it really teaches to love your spouse above all else. So touching.

  • @meaowmeaow529
    @meaowmeaow52923 күн бұрын

    I love how she is also like Daddy's little girl showing him the back of the dress and the veil and basking in his praises ❤❤❤ pure as pearl

  • @k-enterpop6234
    @k-enterpop6234Ай бұрын

    Am not crying. He is a perfect dad but first a good husband. They are lucky to have him. 😊

  • @blueskyalldayeveryday


    Ай бұрын

    I’m not crying, you are crying 😉❤

  • @zeldawilliams4129
    @zeldawilliams4129Ай бұрын

    Stunning, classy, timeless dress. This bride has great style.

  • @Azura__
    @Azura__Ай бұрын

    Every daughter deserves a dad like him😢🧡

  • @MN-br5nb
    @MN-br5nbАй бұрын

    Love that he points out the details bc he knows it means much to her. That is a dad that pays attention and wants you to feel joy.

  • @danaferiante1361
    @danaferiante1361Ай бұрын

    Your dad is so sweet! And, he is able to talk about the pretty points of your dress! What a great guy!

  • @zyxbody
    @zyxbody22 күн бұрын

    He is sweetes thing on mother earth. 😄

  • @user-pi7ty5xl6h
    @user-pi7ty5xl6h23 күн бұрын

    He is an excellent father and husband at the same time

  • @sylvieb5498
    @sylvieb5498Ай бұрын

    Wish I had had a father like this one! He seems to genuinely love his daughter ! ❤

  • @VanessaWilson-ce4rm
    @VanessaWilson-ce4rmАй бұрын

    Such a soft heart. A man who appreciates and respects females😊

  • @AmandaLawton
    @AmandaLawtonАй бұрын

    I grieve the father I will never have. My dad is a very cold man. This bride is so lucky 💕

  • @cherievivian9830


    Ай бұрын

    You're not alone, dear. Mine walked me down the aisle like a robot performing his duty, said nothing, In time, he left our family for another woman and her family. Real life, I guess, is different from social media picture perfect videos.

  • @dazem8
    @dazem823 күн бұрын

    What a beautiful moment. He seems like an amazing dad and husband ❤

  • @FionaBologna
    @FionaBolognaАй бұрын

    Its one thing to say she looks beautiful its a totally different level of flattery to point out every single detail he liked. Such a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing.

  • @Starlett7777
    @Starlett7777Ай бұрын

    Wow, what a amazing conversation to have with your father on your wedding day and the way he speaks about you. You can just see it all the love that he has for you radiating.

  • @RenLloyd-oj2pq
    @RenLloyd-oj2pq22 күн бұрын

    Such a beautifully stunning dress

  • @PokeMama23
    @PokeMama2322 күн бұрын

    My dad got to see me try on a couple dresses I ordered online, and of course the day of he said I was Beautiful but he covers his emotional self with jokes and telling me were gonna be late even though he just had to drive across the street 😂 I am forever regretful that I didn't take my dress to my grandparents house and show my grandpa...he died a few days before the wedding and I never got to have this moment with him..... he wasn't in the best of health and wasn't going to be at the wedding due to just getting his knee re ❤2nd

  • @sarahmurphy-nf4yl


    21 күн бұрын

    Grandad saw you from heaven ❤️

  • @laurenkil
    @laurenkilАй бұрын

    Dads are so important 🥹

  • @waitwhat6056
    @waitwhat6056Ай бұрын

    Oh, he's adorable. How sweet, that he notices the little details 🥰

  • @dawnsmith2448
    @dawnsmith2448Ай бұрын

    He's precious!! Noticing every detail and taking in this moment to lock in the memory

  • @sanjanadias3105
    @sanjanadias310522 күн бұрын

    He is a smart dad

  • @pinksugarcookies71
    @pinksugarcookies7122 күн бұрын

    He is what every bride would love to have. Beautiful moment. I am picturing him meeting your first born, that will be so amazing.😊❤

  • @rociogallegossanchez3147
    @rociogallegossanchez3147Ай бұрын

    I immediately noticed how gentle and soft his hand movements were. Definitely a man of details and attention

  • @truecrimenut6696
    @truecrimenut6696Ай бұрын

    Bless your dad and you. What a beautiful relationship you must have! Congratulations! 💍🤵🤵‍♀️

  • @spiritinskie
    @spiritinskie24 күн бұрын

    Having never met my father, I find this so touching, fills my heart with pure love. What a wonderful man. God bless this lovely family.

  • @Justyna-dg4hs
    @Justyna-dg4hsАй бұрын

    One thing breaks my heart is ill never get a childhood where I was loved and not abused. I wish at least to have a husband and his family the best people I'll ever meet

  • @--jenC--


    Ай бұрын

    I wish you all the best. I wish for you a good husband. But a word of caution. Since you were in an abused relationship you could seek out for someone who may seem nice but show their true colors as life goes on. I would say try not to please the person you meet. Be your true self and after you get married for couple of years and are comfortable you can loosen up and be kind to them. And even a single red flag, walk away.

  • @Justyna-dg4hs


    28 күн бұрын

    @@--jenC-- girl thank you so much.. you have no idea I actually just finished relationship with a narcissist and abuser

  • @_ojosdegato
    @_ojosdegatoАй бұрын

    I wish my dad was loving like that ♥️ he seems like he is a very sweet father

  • @sylhomeo6351
    @sylhomeo635123 күн бұрын

    HE’S beautiful !

  • @Jj-rq9sp
    @Jj-rq9spАй бұрын

    It's heart warming. I watched it again to look at how she is basking in her dad's admiration like a flower to the sun. I imagine her doing the same thing when she was little girl in probably one of her princess dresses. She looks like her dad as well. You can she loves her papa. Beautiful dress and beautifully worn.

  • @deekayvixen
    @deekayvixen25 күн бұрын

    This man looks like someone who is present in every moment of his life.

  • @Faithtruthkindness
    @FaithtruthkindnessАй бұрын

    Ohhhhhh there is nothing better in this whole world than a wonderful, attentive, kind, compassionate father

  • @brightchisomworld
    @brightchisomworld24 күн бұрын

    This is what every woman desires from the men that mean things in there life. This adoration makes us feel the world.❤

  • @Elizabeth-ladybug22
    @Elizabeth-ladybug22Ай бұрын

    That definitely tears me up,what a beautiful reaction from her dad,I wish my dad would even tell me he loves me but he's not in my life

  • @christineharmon6129
    @christineharmon6129Ай бұрын

    She looks stunning! Like a bride, a gorgeous bride!

  • @molly5262
    @molly5262Ай бұрын

    What a wonderful dad!!! We should all have a father like this!🩷🩷

  • @faithfulgrl
    @faithfulgrlАй бұрын

    💐 I love how he looks when he sees his daughter. Her dress & veil are perfect understateid beauty. 🍃🥀Blessings🥀🍃

  • @sepdafodils
    @sepdafodilsАй бұрын

    Daddy showing so much interest in the dress awww❤

  • @Yobydobie
    @YobydobieАй бұрын

    This just made me feel something in my cold, dead heart

  • @htzzz
    @htzzzАй бұрын

    This is just one of the many things that breaks me to pieces, everytime I realize I would never have this moment with my dad😭

  • @_llaalllisa
    @_llaalllisa21 күн бұрын

    I wish my father didn't hated me... it must be nice to have parents who loves you so much.

  • @user-yn3uo2yi5k
    @user-yn3uo2yi5k14 күн бұрын

    The fathers reaction was the most genuine and lively thing I’ve seen in a while. ☺️

  • @juliepenner879
    @juliepenner879Ай бұрын

    It hurts to know my dad won't be at my wedding since he's abusive. My dad won't say that to me. I'm crying watching this. I wish you the best

  • @marshall1003


    Ай бұрын

    I'm in the same boat. I don't have any family at all due to growing up in abuse/violence. I'm so scared because I've always dreamed of having a big wedding with tons of people who love me. Now I'm not even sure I'll find the one for me. I guess we will just have to see what happens. I have years ahead of me still.

  • @natasamladenovic1765


    Ай бұрын

    Sorry to hear that but remember, we all have somekind of cross to bear. We all do. I wish you from the bottom of m, heart to find the right person and then it wont matter if it is a small or a big wedding because your heart will be full. Remember, the wedding is about the marriage, not the ceremony. Find someone who has the same goals in life. My husband of 15 years, we are ad different as night and day but that doesnt matter because we have the samo goals and we are strong together. Respect each other, give each other space and love each other.🙏

  • @patriciaroberts308
    @patriciaroberts308Ай бұрын

    This is absolutely priceless!!! Thank God it's all recorded, forever... Such incredible memories, for a lifetime... Perfection Dad!!! ✨💖✨

  • @SleepyArcticBirds-ft4lb
    @SleepyArcticBirds-ft4lbАй бұрын

    Words all daughters love hearing their Fathers say❤❤❤

  • @vaishalisoni6293
    @vaishalisoni629324 күн бұрын

    He is just so honest..

  • @awesomekoga7848
    @awesomekoga7848Ай бұрын

    This made me teary. This man is a great man. He loves his wife & daughter. God bless them all. 💜💕❤️🙏🌈🐶🐾🐈

  • @amunetcastleton3451
    @amunetcastleton3451Ай бұрын

    My heart hurts. I’m so happy to see videos of other women getting to have wonderful loving fathers but it hurts to know I never did and never will have that. Please cherish it ♥️

  • @carolynza2481
    @carolynza2481Ай бұрын

    What a beautiful loving father ❤

  • @ruthmccord6313
    @ruthmccord6313Ай бұрын

    Lucky girl to have such a sweet dad.

  • @ivonnecardenas100
    @ivonnecardenas100Ай бұрын

    I wish I had a dad like hers. She is really beautiful.

  • @mexicanfoodjunkie8857
    @mexicanfoodjunkie8857Ай бұрын

    Imagine having a daddy this sweet?? 🥲🥹

  • @lee4094
    @lee4094Ай бұрын

    Nice classy dress. Her father absolutely is glowing and proud of his daughter. Dads your important in your daughters lives, be their hero. ♥️

  • @willielandrum3359
    @willielandrum335923 күн бұрын

    That reaction is priceless.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @charlieward939
    @charlieward939Ай бұрын

    I see vids like this and cry knowing I'll never have a moment like this with my father 🥹💔

  • @CarlaHanson68
    @CarlaHanson68Ай бұрын

    This made me smile and cry all at the same time. Thank you for sharing this incredibly special moment ❤️🥹

  • @brendaberisha2634
    @brendaberisha2634Ай бұрын

    What a great Dad!!

  • @elainec5333
    @elainec5333Ай бұрын

    She is so lucky to have such a spectacular dad!

  • @FoodandfitnessPH
    @FoodandfitnessPH13 күн бұрын

    His love for his wife is faithful and the love for his daughter is so genuine.

  • @hanan641
    @hanan64122 күн бұрын

    Shit there's something i my eyes idk

  • @wanderlust1334
    @wanderlust1334Ай бұрын

    It shows how much he respects n loves his wife.

  • @ewelina5138
    @ewelina51382 ай бұрын

    Such a good dad❤

  • @NaharToha
    @NaharToha25 күн бұрын

    That was so wholesome

  • @powerpuff4ever
    @powerpuff4everАй бұрын

    The “Thanks papa” in there brought tears to my eyes

  • @ERAs_TOUR
    @ERAs_TOUR23 күн бұрын

    This is soo sweet❤

  • @LilyGrace95
    @LilyGrace95Ай бұрын

    His excitement at the little details... Urgh, you can just tell he's both a wonderful dad and a wonderful human being.

  • @bethsmith8720
    @bethsmith872023 күн бұрын

    She could wear a sack and look beautiful. The dress is nice and she is beautiful

  • @jamyllemendes8588
    @jamyllemendes858821 күн бұрын

    My dad never got to see me😢

  • @deathbloom27
    @deathbloom27Ай бұрын

    Oh my goodness 😭 just thinking about my daughter ever finding someone she loves enough to marry makes me tear up. I can't imagine all the feelings running through him. All of you are so lucky!

  • @danielflorence7686
    @danielflorence76862 ай бұрын

    And she is beautiful!❤

  • @lornalong6468
    @lornalong6468Ай бұрын

    Such a great Dad! So glad he got the chance to have this special moment with his daughter.

  • @aileenp.6475
    @aileenp.6475Ай бұрын

    This made me cry ❤ The love this man has for his daughter and wife is unmeasurable. How beautiful.

  • @kayleeyates27
    @kayleeyates27Ай бұрын

    That dress is timeless❤ would be a wonderful thing to pass onto any loved ones in the future. Its giving grace kelly and then some holy moly

  • @eortiz8264
    @eortiz826414 күн бұрын

    🥲❤❤ This made me cry. I lost my father 6 months before my wedding. I feel that loss to this day.

  • @christinamcintyre7991
    @christinamcintyre799118 күн бұрын

    This is the way a father should talk to his daughter on her special day!! Love this!! ♥️

  • @mereedebeaugrine2078
    @mereedebeaugrine2078Ай бұрын

    Oh how sweet. And he noticed every detail. She is beautiful.

    @MELODYS_MESSАй бұрын

    Such an elegant simple dress ❤ his reaction 🥺🥺

  • @Sneha-iu6sh
    @Sneha-iu6shАй бұрын

    Cutest first look video i've seen genuine

  • @snehashreesaikia
    @snehashreesaikia16 күн бұрын

    This made me tear up! I wonder what it’s like to have an expressive dad.

  • @Anna-uy7dp
    @Anna-uy7dpАй бұрын

    I miss you Dad... It brought me genuine, heatfelt joy to see you share this moment with yours. Bet he'll be a spectacular Grandpa. Happy ever after to all of you 💓

  • @jackietess6742
    @jackietess6742Ай бұрын

    My God,some Dads are heaven sent angles..... it's hard to imagine such dad's actually exist

  • @MsBlue68
    @MsBlue68Ай бұрын

    That's a healthy father daughter relationship with appropriate boundaries. Wife before daughter always.

  • @angelasevere404
    @angelasevere404Ай бұрын

    He is so sweet!!! Love the fact he pay attention to the details!!❤ He is right she is beautiful!!!

  • @bellaendale7174
    @bellaendale7174Ай бұрын

    She literally took his breath away..did you hear it..aww..❤
