Things to Do as Muslims during the Pandemic

This is a sermon on March 27 2020 focusing on 7 things we can do during this Covid19 Pandemic:
1. Du'a (asking forgiverness (Maghfirah), making repentance (Tawbah), asking for pardon ('Afw) and protection ('Afiyah)
2. Salat prayers (Obligartory Salat in Jama'ah and on time & Nafil Salat especially at night)
3. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah especially according to the Sunnah)
4. Sadaqah (charity) even if it is little
5. Khidmah (service to fellow humans starting with our neighbours)
6. Talab-ul-'Ilm (Seeking Knowledge)
7. Silatul Rahim (Keeping Family ties strong)
