"The World Ahead 2023" with Tom Standage

There's uncertainty in the air. The global economy is teetering on the verge of a recession. Our European neighbors have a war happening in their backyard creating unparalleled geopolitical tension. Political divineness, social injustices, media and censorship, the fall of cryptocurrency, and the future of technology and AI remain at the forefront of the news cycle.
What does this mean for 2023?
Tom Standage, the Editor of "The World Ahead 2023" will offer informed predictions, comprehensive analysis from foreign policy and current event experts, a summary of the global economic outlook, and critical insight into issues that will be critical touch points in the new year.
The World in 2023 is the Economist's guide to the coming year.
Our correspondents and outside experts consider the interlocking challenges facing the world: the war in Ukraine, high food and fuel prices, the fight against inflation, the transition to renewable energy, and China’s uncertain post-pandemic path.
