The True Elder Brother - Northplace Church Bryan Jarrett - Prodigal Son

In the parable the Father initiates dialogue with both lost sons.
To the younger morally bankrupt son, there is no condemning attitude from the Father. The exact opposite happens when younger son returns home. Listen to this:
Luke 15:20 NLT
20 “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.
Despite the manure matted hair from the time he spends in the pig pen…despite the flies that swarm his body…despite the stench…the Father runs to the him, embraces him, kisses him, and welcomes him home. He initiates love for the son before the son ever has a chance to confess his sin. This is important because it shatters the religious lie that a distorted understanding of scripture tells.
Its not the son’s repentance that causes the Father’s love, but the complete reverse. The father’s extravagant love brings genuine repentance and remorse from the son. The Father initiated love.
