The Terminator Cast Then and Now (1984 vs 2024) | Terminator Full Movie


Terminator Full Movie - Over an apocalyptic battlefield in the year 2029, the ruins of the city of Los Angeles are dominated by robotic war machines, some like tanks, others are hover-crafts, a title card tells us that in the future, humans will wage a long war against an enemy known as the Machines. The "final battle" however, will not be fought in this future world, but in the past, specifically our present... tonight.
The year switches to Los Angeles, May 12, 1984 at 1:34 am. At the Griffith Park Observatory overlooking the city, lightning emanates from above a garbage truck, knocking out power. The driver sees a naked and heavily muscular man (Arnold Schwarzenegger). The man stands up and starts walking toward the city where he is spotted by three young punks. The man gives several indifferent answers to a series of sarcastic questions they punks ask him and then orders the men to give him their clothes. The punks produce knives in response. The man swats two punks aside, the third stabs him, but the man impossibly tears open the punk's body with his bare hands, and kills him. The third punk, seemingly the only one left alive, immediately begins to remove his coat.
In a downtown alley, a homeless man sees a bright, circular light just above the ground, similar to the one at Griffith Park. A scarred, naked man, muscular but much smaller in size than the other man who arrived in a similar fashion, is forced through the portal and lands in the alley, in obvious pain. This is Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn). Reese takes the homeless man's pants, just as a police car pulls up and two cops yell at him to freeze. Reese is able to hide and attacks one of the cops, taking his pistol and demanding the cop tell him the date and year. The cop becomes puzzled by Reese's question. When the cop's partner arrives, Reese runs into a department store. He steals several items, including a pair of Nike sneakers and a long coat and escapes the store. In another alley outside, he steals a shotgun from an unoccupied squad car. Finding a phone book nearby, he looks up the name "Sarah Connor."
Elsewhere a young woman, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), lives the life of a lonely waitress. Sharing an apartment with her friend Ginger (Bess Motta), Sarah is living out a boring life that seems to go nowhere.
The muscular man steals a car and goes to a local sporting goods store where he has the owner (Dick Miller) show him several assault weapons and a pistol with laser sighting. He flatly asks for a "phased-plasma rifle"; the owner tells him "Only what you see, pal." The owner tells his customer that he can take the rifles right away but the pistol has a waiting period. As he explains the process, the man casually loads the shotgun and shoots the clerk. Shortly after, the man finds a phone book and looks for the name "Sarah Connor" finding three listings in the Los Angeles area. He goes to the address of the first listing; as he walks to the front door, a small dog barks at him. When this Sarah Connor opens the door and acknowledges her name, the man forces his way inside and shoots her with the pistol he acquired. Not long after, at the diner where she works, Sarah's co-worker drags her to the television where she sees a news report about a woman sharing her name having been murdered by an unidentified assailant.
That evening, Sarah and her roommate, Ginger, prepare for separate dates. Ginger's boyfriend, Matt (Rick Rossovich), will be coming over to spend the night. Sarah gets a message from her date, who cancels. Sarah decides to go out for pizza and sees another news report where the police announce the death of another woman sharing her name. Sarah becomes worried, and when she sees she is being followed (by Kyle Reese), she ducks into a small dance club called Tech Noir. She tries to call Ginger, however Ginger and Matt do not hear the phone as they are having sex. Not long after Sarah's call, the killer attacks and fatally shoots Ginger and Matt, before hearing Sarah's voice on their answering machine saying where she is. Sarah then phones the police department and is connected to Lieutenant Ed Traxler (Paul Winfield) and Sergeant Vukovich (Lance Henriksen), the detectives investigating the Sarah Connor killings. Traxler tells Sarah to stay put until he can get a squad car to her. The killer arrives at the club, dispatches a bouncer, and wades into the crowd.
In the meantime, Reese has also entered the dance club. Sarah is finally spotted by the killer, which aims its laser-sighted pistol at her. Reese fires on the killer, hitting him with several blasts, and knocking him to the floor. Sarah sees the killer impossibly rise to its feet and open fire on Reese with the Uzi it stole. He advances on Sarah again, shooting the woman behind her, the woman's body pinning her to the floor. As the killer advances on her and prepares to shoot her, Reese appears again and hits the killer with several more shotgun blasts, blasting him out

