The Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (SIADH) & Cerebral Salt Wasting

This tutorial is about the Syndrome of Inappropriate Diuresis. SIAD also known as SIADH is a form of hypotonic hyponatremia associated with iso- or hypervolemia, high urinary osmolality and high urinary sodium. Traditionally this is associated with high levels of circulating vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone - ADH), that may be associated with sepsis, acute critical illness, pneumonia or mechanical ventilation. However, SIAD is also associated with a variety of brain injuries, drugs (SSRIs and anticonvulsants) and a variety of cancers.
Treatment of symptomatic SIAD is with hypertonic saline (150ml of 3% over 20 minutes). Chronic or asymptomatic SIAD is treated with fluid restriction (determined by the Furst equation uNa + uK/pNa - if the result is less than1 the patient is suitable for fluid restriction). Alternative inexpensive therapies include Urea (30 to 60mg per day), salt tablets plus frusemide or demeclocycline. Vaptan agents, the block the V2 receptors, appear to be effective for long term therapy. Tolvaptan is available commercially but quite expensive for the majority of patients.
Cerebral salt wasting is associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage. It shares the same blood and urinary profile as SIAD(H) but is associated with hypovolemia. The disorder is self limiting and is treated with isotonic fluids.
