The Start of The End | Maverick Johnson | Ranch Roleplay | SlowBurn


Ranch RP discord: / discord
Context: After Maverick decided to burn his own Ranch to the ground a couple months ago and moves his whole family to Amberino where they went into hiding for about half a year, he decided it is time to return the Monroe and start working on his promise he made them ''Kill Freya Anderson, Cassandra and any and all mexicans that are linked to the La Santa Muerte''.
After kidnapping a pirate and a innocent lady he discovers some things about them that kickstarts his either long or short journey in his attempt to seek revenge and do him and his family justice.
He decides to investigate Saint-Denis as well before he makes any further moves against Libertalia as he to his own suprise all of a sudden recieves a telegram from Thomas Whitney a man who once swore a vow that he would die for the Ranch or the Family, being supicious of the sudden contact Thomas tries to establish Maverick sents some Telegrams back and forth and than decides to go seek him out and catching him off guard to talk.

