The sharpshooter couple sniped at the Japanese army, causing the enemy to retreat day by day!

#抗戰 #抗日#神狙武工队# Divine sniper#槍桿小劇場​​#ChineseDrama​#luojin #戰爭#抗戰#抗日神劇#许僧#贾青 #神枪手 #神枪 #中国电视剧 #革命
【神狙武工隊 Divine sniper】每晚GMT+8 20:00准时更新4集
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戀人張響、李杏花跟王小寶一起投奔敵後武工隊,成為狙擊手。 張響為報殺母之仇混入偽軍,試圖暗殺橋本。 這讓同時前來執行刺殺任務的李杏花與王曉寶誤認為他已叛變。 張響擊斃橋本,欲重回武工隊,卻遭猜疑。 他一氣之下加入曾在日軍大營意外救過他的國民黨軍,卻不知道國共之間的摩擦日益頻繁。 對張響誤會已深的李杏花決定嫁給王曉寶。 婚禮上,她卻拋下曉寶,跟武工隊一起前去營救遭遇鬼子襲擊的張響。 日軍趁機偷襲武工隊駐地,國民黨軍卻趁機偷襲日軍縣城,一場大混戰上演。 大戰後,張響與李杏花重修舊好,並重回武工隊,而王曉寶因妒成恨,決定利用日本人來對付張響。 在王曉寶的協助下,日軍在狙擊戰場上節節勝利,但在最後時刻,王曉寶良心復甦,用生命指引張響擊斃了日軍狙擊手。
Lovers Zhang Xiang, Li Xinghua and Wang Xiaobao defected to the armed forces behind enemy lines and became snipers. In order to avenge the murder of his mother, Zhang Xiang joined the puppet army and tried to assassinate Hashimoto. This made Li Xinghua and Wang Xiaobao, who came to carry out the assassination mission at the same time, mistakenly believe that he had rebelled. Zhang Xiang killed Hashimoto and wanted to return to the armed forces, but was suspected. In anger, he joined the Kuomintang army that had accidentally rescued him in the Japanese camp, but he did not know that the friction between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was becoming increasingly frequent. Li Xinghua, who has deeply misunderstood Zhang Xiang, decided to marry Wang Xiaobao. At the wedding, she abandoned Xiaobao and went with the military team to rescue Zhang Xiang who was attacked by the Japanese. The Japanese army took the opportunity to sneak attack the military workers' station, but the Kuomintang army took the opportunity to sneak attack the Japanese army's county town, and a big melee was staged. After the war, Zhang Xiang and Li Xinghua reunited and returned to the martial arts team. However, Wang Xiaobao became jealous and decided to use the Japanese to deal with Zhang Xiang. With the help of Wang Xiaobao, the Japanese army won successive victories on the sniper battlefield, but at the last moment, Wang Xiaobao's conscience revived and guided Zhang Xiang with his life to kill the Japanese sniper.

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