The Screaming Shoe and the Owl


I had to put the camera down eventually because the real-estate was getting so small I need it both hands. I should have done the front a bit better though but I can do ten of those in a day for the best one out. Its just for fun and pass the time that's all and to frame it on my wall. But I keep my walls simple. I dont like an Art Gallery in my place like my Sister. She is a different Star Sign.
If I ever get Married it will be a different story. I do anything for Aphrodite. That's when Ares fully kicks in and starts to care. Lucky are the Aries who found one.
All these Art videos are for you not for me. To pass the time and see something cool. No other Artist in the world does this in such a vast range. If it was for me I be in Berlin, all over the World drinking the best Champagne and eating the best Caviar all day and you will only see Artworks on a Wall. I dislike both of that stuff because nothing buys an Aries.
Aries is the best humanitarian in this world that Inspires you to go and be better than us thus creating a better world.
Only Cats have that power to domesticate me and Aphrodite. No one else can. If Aphrodite told me, Go to Berlin and show off yourself. I be there in five minutes and come back in ten with ten Million Euros. No joke.
When you have a Capricorn father that tells you, Nice, why dont you sell stuff people do not understand, and a Scorpio mother that's tell you, Wow that's amazing 1000 times and then go back to computers, it's hard to know who you are working for, its not the family I can tell you that. Me, one painting and I can have enough money to retire but Aries is selfless.
As for my lovely Sister, she has a PHD in organic chemistry, her own Chemist business and I taught her Art to make Millions especially now the world knows Anastasi was her teacher. She is very good in Art also and a Writer too. She writes poems on some of her painting on the sides. She is into old places. Thats what she likes. She is a patient Artist unlike a fast one like me.
So for the moment I have no one to work for. My Father, Aries and Capricorns dont get on 24/7 It was once every 10 years for even a smile about something , Mother, You want money mother, NO NO NO NO, Scorpios are like that. Sister, I gave her the greatest gift and inspiration anyone can have.
Thats how an Aries thinks and operates. If I could adopt a baby today as an example we be in Berlin tomorrow.
So I chose you Instead. You need to fill in the empty hole somehow. For now. Things may change. You dont talk back to me like family, I am not spending 24/7 with you to get pissed off and I can come and go as I please as Aries likes freedom and human quiet. You learn and get inspired to be your own boss and make money you can do, I am an amazing teacher in many things, You dont at least you got entertained. Both are super ok to me to fill in that hole.
You can see what they are exhibiting there in the Abstract capital of Europe. • berlin diary: unfilter...
Remember, be original. 3/4 of the stuff you see out there has been done decades ago. Long or short gone are the original greats, the living original greats from the past are 80, 90 years old today. Others who are a bit younger retired some time ago. It's only a handful now that are super active.
Money cant buy you love, originality is the love and admiration the respect. A thousand time better that all the money in the world.
You see crazy Trump. An Original. Now he is a demagogue and people love him and pray for him. But he is not in the Arts like us. Art is honest. Even AI Art is honest, at least you know its AI unless they dont tell you.
The best way to be an Original is to create without thinking. You just go for it. Themes are ok too but the former stands out.
I love my parents, super weird but I still love them never the less. One passed away recently. But they have been a stumbling block in my life set me back decades. So did GF's but we all experience that, BF's, GF's stumbling blocks at times. Another lesson for you, dont take them too serious if you want to conquer the world in Art.
Be a new age Aries. I am old myself for changes. I am a classic Aries. Greeks are family orientated. I wish I was English, at 16 its frack off.
Created by Anastasi

