The scenery in the forest is beautiful, full of birds at the mouth of the river with natural water.


Forest scenery and the sound of flowing water that can make us happy. The scenery in the forest is beautiful, full of birds at the mouth of the river with natural water. ​I like The scenery in the forest is beautiful, full of birds at the mouth of the river with natural water. Today we went to the forest to see the natural forest and many of the people who lived there, we spent two days and two nights sleeping there and it was very quiet because no one was there. There was running water from the mountain and it was abandoned by people, but it was so beautiful to see, and we young people volunteered to clean it up again. The scenery in the forest is beautiful, full of birds at the mouth of the river with natural water. ​I like The scenery in the forest is beautiful, full of birds at the mouth of the river with natural water. Beautiful water for stress relief.
Thank you very much.

