The Quickdraw Cowboy | Quickdraw Shootist RDR2 Gameplay


Today we utilize the effective tool, TNT! But, remember, TNT has no allegiance, that TNT is not yours, and it does not like you. It is not special and it explodes when penetrated by any random bullet, so move on. We also indulge in the fun of some carriage robbing, one of them more of a drive-by because bro had some super motivated horses, and the second was kinda botched for some heated reasons. Also remember, in a drive-by all passengers are witnesses, and when quickdraw outlawing you gotta intimidate the witness so i put that extra lantern buster shot for good measure. BUT, both "robberies" i left alive, so i count that as success. ALSO, El Fafo does NOT condone the purposeful slinging of ammunition at animal seeming creatures. NO animals were harmed during the filming of this week's edition of koolly's Slow-Ride Roundup, any of which you may see subjected themselves to a PEACEFUL and DESIRED end due to being brain tickled by speedy metal nuggets. or DELICIOUSLY roasted as sacrifice. Today we meet our purple bandana'd bounty hunter, our sixgun wielding preacher, and a couple side characters of honorable note. Always remember, the first step of gunslinging is cowboy dress-up, you always gotta have ts on. Enjoy this week's regularly scheduled programming of koolly's Slow-Ride Roundup.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Shootist Quickdraw No Deadeye No Reticle No HUD Outlaw and Ruthless Bounty Hunting Immersive Gameplay
stay stocked y'all

