THE PRAYER BOOK OF LORENZO DE' MEDICI - Browsing Facsimile Editions (4K / UHD)

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The splendid Prayer Book of Lorenzo de' #Medici (1449-1492) was a wedding present to his eldest daughter Lucrezia (1470-1553), who married the Florentine banker Jacopo Salviati (1461-1533). The gilded silver binding with finely worked enamel directly reveals to the beholder what a precious #manuscript this is. Hidden within it are 556 pages with ten-full page #miniatures, twelve small calendar medallions, and seven historiated initials. The miniaturist favored by the Medici, Francesco Roselli (1455-1513), was responsible for painting them. The text originates from the scribe Antonio Sinibaldi (1443-before 1528).
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