The Overwatch 2 Honeymoon Is Over | I Hate What This Game Has Become


When Overwatch 2 launched, I was optimistic that Blizzard wouldn't be too greedy with the monetization of the game. But boy, was I wrong, as the Halloween event showed that they really don't want to give you anything, or allow you to work for anything. And the best looking stuff will only ever be able to bought. And they can't balance their game at all.

Пікірлер: 78

  • @quintoncrockett966
    @quintoncrockett966 Жыл бұрын

    the amount of time it takes to get 3 skins from this you could get a pilots license

  • @dark8fury


    Жыл бұрын

    Yup also the time it would take to unlock everything not just skins with le 60 credits a week is 328 years rounded up or a poultry sum of 10000+$ bruh

  • @YourHeroJames


    Жыл бұрын

    The coins earned per week is just the worst part. They think you're supposed to feel rewarded by so little for some reason.

  • @FrozenAngel4173


    Жыл бұрын

    @@YourHeroJames heroes in the battle pass is worse but the coins are right behind it. What a joke of a game

  • @kliveran


    Жыл бұрын

    the amount of people you need for make the skin it will be worth 10 pilots licenses

  • @georgemcredmond35
    @georgemcredmond35 Жыл бұрын

    You hit the nail on the head with every point you made. I was in the original OW Beta. Bought the game on-disc the week of release. And have played it at least once a week since then. Even when it was a "dead game". As a gamer with limited time to game, it was perfect for me. I loved the art style, characters, abilities etc. This new system has me even scratching my head. Even when I had almost every cosmetic and every loot box was duplicate items. I still felt I had the potential of getting one of the very few items I still didnt have. Now I'm playing 40 matches for a Hanzo voice line and I never even play him. And now any cool cosmetic is either buried 80 tiers into the battle pass or would cost 20-something dollars. Thankfully the transition to OW2 was free. But as a day one player, I feel that Blizzard has really alienated me and forced me to look elsewhere.

  • @FatalFist


    Жыл бұрын

    Well the loot boxes thing had to go due to the whole situation years back where Europe was banning "Surprise Mechanics." Which you can blame EA for. But I agree, there's no real sense of achievement now and the customizations suck ass. We didn't get anything remotely PVE oriented like what we were initially promised in the teaser for OW2 - I mean hell, we see Genji being able to choose a different Ult that changes the way it acts - Tracer sacrificing one big big for three small ones. I was really hoping for more of a fresh new take on PVE with these characters. Instead, we get just more of the same old in a rushed attempt to update the engine. Channels like YourOverwatch promoted this crap.

  • @ForeverDegenerate


    Жыл бұрын

    @@FatalFist I blame the Anti-Lootbox Community as much as I blame companies like EA. It's always bothered me how people who jumped on the Anti-Lootbox Bandwagon lumped Blizzard (and continues to lump Blizzard) in with companies like EA simply because Blizzard was the first to implement them. Blizzard's Lootboxes were never egregious and barely gambling. In fact, Blizzard went out of their way to all but remove the gambling aspect from Lootboxes when their players complained about it. Blizzard's Lootboxes were actually what EA claims theirs are: Actual Surprise Mechanics. Hell, I know I'm probably in the minority, but I feel like Lootboxes actually improved Heroes of The Storm. And, yes, that's a hill I will die on. I rejoiced when they added Lootboxes to HoTS because, suddenly, I could acquire more Heroes without having pay a single dime. And, before I stopped playing, I totally did. And, as it should, expanding the Hero Roster, FOR FREE, made the game more fun to play. It's because of this that I've always been a big proponent of "regulate the company, not the system." To me, it's not always the system itself that is egregious and predatory, but it's in how companies implement said system that makes it egregious and predatory.

  • @GageMason
    @GageMason Жыл бұрын

    Its crazy how many games ive had where my team is winning by a landslide then the zarya swap comes in and its like a switch was flipped. Crazy.

  • @FatalFist
    @FatalFist Жыл бұрын

    The sheer fact they pushed Overwatch 2 out without the proposed advancement they promised in its announcement (PVE and story missions akin to Null Sector), should have been series of red flags. People got swooped up into this more of the same with promises on the horizon. What a waste of time, and it annoys me channels like YourOverwatch was one of many rooting for a sequel before the initial teaser for OW2. I hate that mentality, "Ok we played enough of this game, lets have a sequel." Meanwhile Warframe is over there just evolving.

  • @christianbenson5875
    @christianbenson5875 Жыл бұрын

    It's halo infinite all over again, zero content, half of the main game is delayed for a year, no progression whatsoever, and everything cool costs 25$

  • @YourHeroJames


    Жыл бұрын

    I stopped playing Halo for the exact reasons.

  • @FrozenAngel4173


    Жыл бұрын

    Truth. I have thousands of hours in Halo 3, reach and ow individually and quit halo infinite pretty quickly for that stuff. Also the maps mostly sucked and you went through enemy hit boxes instead of colliding. Just terrible and ow2 is the same. What a joke of an event.

  • @charlesmartiniii1405


    Жыл бұрын

    This industry sucks I want to rewind 10 years

  • @FrozenAngel4173


    Жыл бұрын

    @@charlesmartiniii1405 same. Corporations ruin everything good

  • @engagex1


    Жыл бұрын

    And almost no reward for free player, soon it will be take forever to que. I will still play it from time to time though as long they dont paywalling new hero too

  • @ZhoomTheCool
    @ZhoomTheCool Жыл бұрын

    it should be 10 credits per game won, 5 per game loss , its miniscule but it would feel great

  • @reddragon2943
    @reddragon2943 Жыл бұрын

    I hate OW2 as well. greedy ass game. Event Skins Should be FREE!!! I have been playing OW from day 1. I have quit every game that had a battle pass in it. now it seems like I will have to put OW 2 in the dirt as well.

  • @KindOldRaven


    Жыл бұрын

    I must be the only one who loves OW2 despite all the hate over either the fact that it's called OW2 instead of Overwatch Reimagined and the skin monetization issues. I play the game, I don't collect the skins. I like the designs of some of them, but I mostly play because I enjoy playing the game. All the critiques about the BP and monetization are 100% on point and I fully agree - I enjoyed either getting random skins or completing Halloween challenges to unlock them much, *much* more than the current system. But I just can't for the life of me connect cosmetics to playing or not playing a game. They're a nice extra, but that's it, to me at least.

  • @nyxs_


    Жыл бұрын

    @@KindOldRaven finally someone with a brain, who tf cares abt skins??

  • @deadtigerworld


    Жыл бұрын

    @@KindOldRaven The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that heroes get locked. Skins don't affect your gameplay but if you don't have access to a hero during gameplay that your enemies have you can be at a disadvantage. You're right, skins are a nice extra and you don't have to buy them to have fun. Hopefully some of the older skins get heavily discounted so peeps that don't have money to spend on cosmetics can afford them. I like the gameplay too and we do get a few free skins here. Maybe they should offer a few skins for the people that play a lot or for challenges as well as the ones for money.

  • @FrozenAngel4173


    Жыл бұрын

    @@KindOldRaven the gameplay is a joke. They put a minor update out and found 1000 bugs. The cc is just as prevalent now. Sombra is the hero they chose to make their launch meta around. The most antifun hero for the whole game. She can perma hack the tank and ruin the game worse for main tank than brig did in goats meta. There's next to no new content in the bloody game. The lighting is a lazy way to hide no new graphics. The new cover mostly sucks. The metas since ow2 beta have all been garbage. Push sucks. Power creep still exists, kiriko will be proof when people learn her. Blossom and TP and her ult are beyond broken. They gave her a bap lamp that heals and cleanses anything in the game ffs. There's a thousand other issues. I've been avidly playing for 5 years and I want ow1 back.

  • @YourHeroJames


    Жыл бұрын

    They couldn't even meet us halfway and give you an event token so you can select 1 skin for free or something, No. All must be bought. 100% greed.

  • @DaMilkManMan
    @DaMilkManMan Жыл бұрын

    I’m glad more people are talking about this. I’m seeing a lot of videos about these skins. They need to reintroduce a different type of loot boxes. Overwatch 1 skins and drops were probably the best in any game (from my experience) good quality, and completely free for everything (apart for a couple skins maybe). The battle pass is completely worth it, but the shop and these other skins is so pointless

  • @billyfries695
    @billyfries695 Жыл бұрын

    I tapped on this video while i was driving not looking at the views and when I checked who it was made by. I was genuinely shocked that you dont have more subscribers. This is an amazing video and you deserve more views for this.

  • @b-o-n-d-y9478
    @b-o-n-d-y9478 Жыл бұрын

    Sequel was a store update :’)

  • @SlepiZec
    @SlepiZec Жыл бұрын

    Played an arcade game with low cds,and when their team started losing enemy picked zarya and stood on payload perma shielding come on

  • @DonCarmolo
    @DonCarmolo Жыл бұрын

    I was on the fence with paying for the battle pass and maybe a skin or two if I saw something really cool, but when I saw I had to buy fake blizzard currency with real money in a dishonest system I decided against it. I'm not paying a single cent. And if the heroes behind battle passes becomes a real issue... well, there's always a lot of other games that respect their customers a lot more. Too bad we can't go back to OW1 if that was the case.

  • @frankopanklaric
    @frankopanklaric Жыл бұрын

    I gave it a chance. I even wanted to main JQ even though she is underwhelming. However, the ques are unacceptable. I never get to play tank or even dps. I always get filled as support. I've got better things to do. MW2 is fun and with DMZ mode and warzone coming soon overwatch 2 will struggle.

  • @brentdunlop8760
    @brentdunlop8760 Жыл бұрын

    I wonder if they purposefully gave garbage starting skins to the new heroes so they could monetize the crap out of new ones they release.

  • @GokuBlackRose978


    Жыл бұрын

    Wdym wonder? They did just that.

  • @sofusensei7397
    @sofusensei7397 Жыл бұрын

    Fr, every comp match has got zarya

  • @Endymion766
    @Endymion766 Жыл бұрын

    i agree re: Zarya. I cant take comp seriously until they rebalance the tanks and maybe also Moira and Sojurn.

  • @8biteternity576
    @8biteternity576 Жыл бұрын

    love it direct facts no filter \o/

  • @FrozenAngel4173
    @FrozenAngel4173 Жыл бұрын

    The game was unplayable for weeks then they give a terrible skin and a 2xp weekend they already had planned to give for free no doubt. Oh and a weapon charm. Like anyone cares about that. The event is offensively bad. The price points are as anti consumer as any game I've ever seen. They're charging 20 bucks for 4 year old skins that used to be free. The 5v5 gameplay is awful. The stuns don't even feel lessened because Orisa has 4 cc abilities in her game and sombra can half for 45% of the game and infinitely keep team walls on the tank. As a tank main it might be worse than goats meta.

  • @8biteternity576
    @8biteternity576 Жыл бұрын

    the game is even worse on pc my dude . zarya and soujourn every match and a ton of alt accounts that have fun 1 tricking them and they feel like they are best players ever bcs they abuse broken characters

  • @bradypotter8389
    @bradypotter8389 Жыл бұрын

    yeah i completely agree, i really don’t care much about the skins tbh never really cared about cosmetics and that’s what they have always been to me, so now that they cost money, i don’t care, i never wanted them (skins) anyway lol, but it is just stupid, i’ve been playing. since launch and it jsut doenst make sense to me why they even made a new game? it is literally a big update, few hero’s, few maps, few ability changes, i literslly think the whole point of this launch was for more money, overwatch came out and constantly declined in popularity, the ended up dropping the price to a 1/3 and people still weren’t buying it, they simply needed money so they copied what everyone else is doing… free to play game with a large amount of in game purchases…

  • @rephayersecondchannel
    @rephayersecondchannel Жыл бұрын

    you know that in Valorant skins are expensive aswell and dont get me started with my csgo inventory so I guess skins(cosmetics) can stay on that price level but please give us the battle pass reward that we can get the next one by grinding the pass

  • @rephayersecondchannel


    Жыл бұрын

    my csgo inv is worth a lot because I got good deals and if you know what your doing you can get money back in Valorant its expensiv to a certain degree and ypu dont get your money back. so lets say the prices are fine kinda yes some old skins should be maybe a little bit cheaper but Im fine with that

  • @Relevart9169


    Жыл бұрын

    Just because other games have the same or higher prices doesn't make it ok to stay that way. Just look at league their skins cost 10 dollars and completely change the model and visual/sound effects of abilities, 15 dollars gives u all that + completely new rig, animations and voice over, 30 dollars gives u an ultimate skin thats 3 or more legendary skins in 1 that u can change mid game or that evolves by themselves as the game goes on longer, those skins take way more time to make than whatever the fuck ow is putting out

  • @rephayersecondchannel


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@Relevart9169 you cant compare a top down game with a high fps shooter for example in 3D everything has to look right on a top down you can hide things or get away with things so I try to get a better understanding and use Valo & CSGO The price tag atm is expensive in OW I agree and we need more for our money but I got all skins back then in OW1 and dont mind buying atm the prices are not fixed so it will change I guess

  • @Random_Fanatic
    @Random_Fanatic Жыл бұрын

    I'm done with OW2 lol I got a actual free to play mobile game Pokémon Unite. And you know what it's actually fun to play.

  • @brookenavin7466
    @brookenavin7466 Жыл бұрын

    Don’t mind the actual event game mode, but everything else is so ass. No loot boxes = no fun

  • @jorgemurallas7893
    @jorgemurallas7893 Жыл бұрын

    It's wouldnt mind loot boxes for me to play, it would be cool if they do it like apex Legends or smthn like that, probable they will...but cmon, people keep comparing it to ow1 and it's just dumb, that was 8 years ago for 60 dólars, and gaming was really different, and balancing is just common issue with thia games, and honestly is not that bad, i'm positive the Game is gonna get better, it's a hundred times better than what halo infinite had so i really think it will get better......and zarya is killable...cmon now lmao

  • @christians2898
    @christians2898 Жыл бұрын

    I’ve only recently just realised, after losing all my cosmetics from OW1 due to a transfer bug - that how long it will actually take to get skins. You cannot literally get any epic skins without grinding this game non-stop. It’s fucking insane how you could get maybe 2 epic skins in 2 hours from loot boxes from OW1, to not being able to get any from months of non-stop playing.

  • @drunkdrop9193
    @drunkdrop9193 Жыл бұрын

    watch people defend this

  • @pncx9872
    @pncx9872 Жыл бұрын

    blizzard is delusional if they think they can monetize this game via skins. no one cared about skins, and now they think people will willingly dish out 20$ per skin? i mean, they copied this entire system from fortnite. and in that game, if you buy a skin for 20$, you essentially don't need ever buy another skin ever again. but on overwatch there's plenty of characters, it's not like a skin on doomfist is gonna work for all other heroes... this system is stupid, and it will earn blizzard absolute jack $hit

  • @Jasar25
    @Jasar25 Жыл бұрын

    Everyone want things for free, i say make them worth this money. But still 20dollars is still too much, 10-13bucks would be an improvement.

  • @ingolf82
    @ingolf82 Жыл бұрын

    but loot boxes = gambling and they were straight up banned in certain countries = no money for Blizzard. I get why they did this change, but I don't agree with it.

  • @8biteternity576


    Жыл бұрын

    theyre current monetization is illegal in multiple countries aswell people are even talking about forcing a lawsuit bcs of it

  • @JustinIrick
    @JustinIrick Жыл бұрын

    I’ve never understood why skins are so important to people. like I love looking cool, but it’s like at the bottom of my list of what matters in a game personally

  • @AndyNocturne
    @AndyNocturne Жыл бұрын

    But homie, it's a free to play game. They gotta make money lol. I could agree with you if literally every other free to play game wasn't so crazy about monetization. League of Legends, Fortnite, Valorant, and Rocket League are just a few top streamed games right now that I'll use as examples. All of those games are free to play and skins on there cost the same. Rocket League is an even better example, because before that game was free to play, you'd get loot crates that you could open for dirt cheap with a chance to win big too, just like old Overwatch. But once RL got consumed by the Epic Games umbrella and became free to play, no more loot crates. So again, I could agree if it wasn't for every game being that way right now. You don't have to buy the skins, you could actually play the entire game without ever spending a single dime on it and still have a good time. No you wouldn't be having the same experience with the game as most other people, but that is the trade off. Is it right? Does that make it right? Hell no bro. Games are bs these days. Here in America, our economy is shit compared to how it used to be in the past, and after all your bills are paid for the month, you'd be spending at least a third of what's left from your paycheck to get all of the skins per event at any time on your favorite game. And that really sucks. But you don't have to do it, you can play for free. And there's still some competitive games that aren't free to play, and you'll find that they're almost always more lenient with their cosmetic items, because you already payed them.

  • @AndyNocturne


    Жыл бұрын

    Also yea Zarya's fuckin busted, take that bitch out the game. Straight up delete it, actually.

  • @Relevart9169


    Жыл бұрын

    Game is free for new ppl, i paid 60 bucks for it. League skins don't cost nearly as much as ow and the quality is an insult to compare, ow sells u recolors for 20 bucks while that gets u an entire new rig, animations, voice over, visual/sound effects and u have 5 dollars left over in league. I've heard valorant is expensive as fuck but even they have the cool finisher animations at the end of the round what does 20 dollars get u in ow? Default first person because they forgot to change kiriko's knifes and cards

  • @AndyNocturne


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Relevart9169 I paid for Rocket League back in 2016 before it was free to play. A month later, it was the Playstation plus free game of the month, then years later, completely free to play when Epic Games acquired it. But I got to play the game years before all of that, I have the experience of playing it at what I considered it to be the peak of the game. But now that it's completely free to play, I still understand that the devs have to make money somehow, especially if the game is going to continue to be an esport. And you can play Rocket League or Overwatch without skins, you don't have to purchase them in order to play the game. I'm not sure if you watch the Overwatch League, but a lot of people don't understand the cycle of how games like this work because maybe they don't care about the esports side of things, maybe they're just a casual player, but that literally doesn't matter. The absolute fact is that a lot of these games nowadays draw in their crowd because of the success of the game as an esport. And that's the cycle. Content creators and esports draw in more players, more players start buying skins because they're either wanting to support their content creators, support the esports teams, or just because they simply want the skins, and then that money goes back into the game to make it better so that content creators have more content to work with, and the rest of it is funded back into the esports community.

  • @Relevart9169


    Жыл бұрын

    @@AndyNocturne the owl is literally the biggest fail in any game's esport, nobody watches that compared to other games. Ow started to go down the moment they made owl because the game was no longer fun and instead they started balancing the entire game for what the top 0.1% wanted not even masters or gm, just the actual pros. U might not NEED skins to play but when theres no other progression in the game then u do, farming 8 months to get 1 legendary skin is literally a joke, gacha games are more generous than that. No one started playing ow because they saw owl

  • @AndyNocturne


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Relevart9169 I'd actually beg to differ tho. At least all of my friends who play it watch a lot of the league events. But like I said, there's always the casual audience in games these days that don't care for the esports scene, which is obviously fine too. It's a video game, it's supposed to be fun. If you don't like it, and there's nothing keeping you there, then just stop playing it

  • @DanielFlores-fo1ee
    @DanielFlores-fo1ee Жыл бұрын

    Casuals still crying about skins😂

  • @ericcartman2995


    Жыл бұрын

    no, casuals are the ones buying them, that's the problem

  • @nyxs_
    @nyxs_ Жыл бұрын

    i never understood how people can be so focused on skins/lootboxes, geniunly o'd be happy if yall just uninstalled the game and stoped complaining

  • @dark8fury


    Жыл бұрын

    people love OW they just want their favorite game to be better and not be a half assed greedy piece of shit and those who are not attached to the game disinstall it

  • @ICantSnipe88


    Жыл бұрын

    You completely missed the point of the video

  • @ericcartman2995


    Жыл бұрын

    Never understood how people just roll over and let corporations walk all over them, genuinely I'd be happy if y'all just found another game to ruin

  • @YourHeroJames


    Жыл бұрын

    How Overwatch 1 handled how skins were given out, it's a slap in the face to what's been the status quo since it was released. Especially, since those who bought the game have always had skins given for free. Except now you have the same game, the same online. But nothing is free. If you can't see that, then I don't know what to tell you.

  • @charlesmartiniii1405


    Жыл бұрын

    And this right here is why games suck now. If only would were around for the Golden era
