The mystery of Sookshma Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli...

El misterio de Sookshma Sathya Sai, Muddenahalli ...
"Truth is stranger than fiction", said Mark Twain, not without a reason! For the mystery of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in His Subtle body or Sookshma Roopa after the end of His physical sojourn on 24th April 2011, continues to baffle the young and old alike. Unheard and unparalleled in the history of earth's existence, far more intriguing than the stories of resurrections and visions of the Masters of the yore, this ongoing saga of the power of spirit over matter is changing the course of the world today.
Though Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba remains invisible to the ordinary eye, His magnificent works of social service are there for all to see. Service is the shadow of love, and all these projects are nothing but reflections of Him that testify His continued existence.
More than 500 crores worth infrastructure and 10s of crores worth annual running costs of absolutely free of cost educational and medical institutions of highest standard that happened between 24th April 2011 and now, in a matter of five years, are there for all to witness and experience.
10 new campuses of values based free of cost education in Karnataka benefiting 4000+ students, both boys and girls, two mega super speciality child heart care hospitals in Raipur ( Chattisgarh) and Palwal ( Haryana) which have already saved more than 3000 children with congenital heart diseases by surgery and treated over 13,000 children free of cost, a free general hospital in Nigeria and many more upcoming free hospitals in other countries, more than 10000 children in 8 states of India being fed nutritious breakfast free of cost everyday, and 17 new spiritual centres based on harmony of all religions coming up in different parts of the world, would surely sound like fiction, but all this is there for all to see today, even with an ordinary pair of eyes.
The power of spirit over matter is being unleashed like never before in every corner of this earth, as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba continues His unfinished mission through several selfless servants around the globe.
Thousands throng to Muddenahalli now to His abode 'Anandam' where He resides in His Sookshma Shareera (Subtle body) and communicates through His chosen instrument Madhusudan Naidu.
This video unravels the mind blowing mystery that is re-writing the history of humankind today.
Come, witness the wonders of Sookshma Sathya Sai in Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli
