The Morecambe and Wise Show (BBC) Pt1


The first BBC series of Morecambe and Wise was transmitted on BBC2 02/09/68 to 21/10/68 in 7x30mins episodes, with guest appearances by their former ATV and concurrent BBC writing team of Sid Green and Dick Hills. After this series, Eric had a heart attack and Hills and Green went back to ATV to star in their own series. Morecambe and Wise stayed at the BBC with new writer Eddie Braben and a 45 minute format, plus Christmas Shows. (They had successfully hosted Christmas Night With The Stars in 1968.) Very little survives of this first BBC series, originally in colour. This presentation is composed of a the few surviving fragments of Series 1. Pt1 is from Episode 2. Pt2-4 are all that remains of episode 6.
