The Miracle of a Woman’s illness through Fr Falteous el Souriany

There was once a righteous woman who lived on Ramses Street in Cairo. One day, she felt extremely exhausted and so she went to El Ezbawiyah, which is El Sourian Monastery’s headquarter in Cairo. During that time, Fr. Faltaous was residing there, and he was standing beside the icon of our Lady the Virgin Mary - Ezbawiyah. When the lady told him about all the illness that inflicted her body, she asked Fr. Faltaous to pray for her and to anoint her with holy oil. Indeed, Fr. Faltaous prayed for her, and she was healed of her illnesses. A few years later, this same lady became ill once again, and yet again, she returned to the Ezbawiyah. She inquired about Fr. Faltaous, but he was not present there any longer, because he completed his services there and he returned back to El Sourian Monastery. Hence, the lady returned back to her home and she continued to pray, as she asked for the prayers of Fr. Faltaous on her behalf, so that she may be healed. That night, Fr. Faltaous appeared to her in a dream and he said to her, ‘Come to
El Sourian Monastery on Saturday.” When the lady awoke from her sleep, she said, ‘I cannot come all the way at El Sourian Monastery to see you…’ However, after giving it much thought, she decided to travel to El Sourian Monastery in order to see Fr. Faltaous. When she arrived at the monastery, she recalled that she knew one of the monks there and she asked to speak with him. When she saw him, she told him that she needed to meet with Fr. Faltaous; however, the monk apologized to her and he clarified that it is very difficult to organize a time to meet with Fr. Faltaous. Nevertheless, she informed the monk that he had appeared to her in a dream and he asked her to come and meet him at El Sourian Monastery on Saturday. The monk then responded, ‘I will go and notify him of what you just said.’ When the monk approached Fr. Faltaous in his cell and he told him about the lady, Fr. Faltaous confirmed what the lady had said. Indeed, he accompanied the monk to meet with the lady, and he prayed for her and anointed her with holy oil. Once again, the lady was healed of all her illnesses through the prayers of our beloved Fr. Faltaous El Souriany, and she returned home praising God.

