The Miracle of a Man’s Prayer for Offspring through Fr Falteous el Souriany

Mr. Makary Ghayith from Maghagha/ SharonaIsland, tells: “I was married in the year 2004, but God had not granted us an offspring. We remained this way for three years after marriage, and we were following up with multiple doctors. The medications that they prescribed were all to no avail. On the day of July 2, 2006, I went to El Sourian Monastery and there I met with Fr. Faltaous. I asked for his prayers on my behalf so that God may grant me a virtuous offspring. Fr. Faltaous prayed for me and he anointed me with holy oil. He wished me well and he said to me, ‘God willing, the Lord will grant you an offspring.’ I left his presence feeling confident, because I had faith in what he said. Exactly thirty five days later, my wife conceived, and eventually when her birthing time approached, she gave birth to our son, on July 21, 2007. We baptized our son at El Sourian Monastery after which I took him to Fr. Faltaous, who blessed him.

