The Mime Show Episode 1


CBJ Dancers present the Mime Show!
As part of our commitment to Dance for All, CBJ is launching the Mime Show. Every Friday, we will deliver a new Mime video to your inbox featuring our talented dancers. You will see how dancers use various miming techniques in different CBJ ballets, how they rehearse miming conversations, and how everything looks on stage with full cast, costumes and sets!
Did you know?
Miming involves acting out a story or daily events through elaborate gestures and movements without the use of speech. Pantomime is considered one of the earliest mediums of self-expression and originated in theatres in Ancient Greece. The name was taken from a nonspeaking dancer called Pantomimus who acted all the characters using only masks, body movement, and rhythmic gestures.
For today's video, Hannah Mae Cruddas introduces miming conversation techniques with the help of Erina Tanaka, Daniel Da Silva and Clea Iveson - using an example from CBJ’s Swan Lake. Enjoy the show!
#CBJcommunity #DanceforAll #TheMimeShow #mime

