The Making Of - On the tracks of Victor Schoelcher

As part of the Erasmus plus Youth project, BREATHE!, in the summer of 2022, young people from Oxford and France discovered instruments collected in 1847 by abolitionist Victor Schoelcher at the Musée de la Musique in Paris. They investigated in many ways and created a poetic performance to tell the story of what they discovered. This film tells the story of their process.
Dans le cadre du projet Erasmus plus jeunesse BREATHE!, durant l'été 2022, des jeunes d'Oxford et de France ont découvert au musée de la musique de Paris des instruments collectées en 1847 par l'abolitionniste Victor Schoelcher. Ils ont enquêté de multiples manières et réalisé une performance pleine de poésie pour raconter ce qu'ils ont découvert. Ce film raconte leur démarche.
BREATHE! is a consortium project with partners in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Senegal, that was developed in response to the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Young people were a central part of the Black Lives Matter protests that amplified George Floyd's murder and called for the end of structural racism in our societies. In BREATHE! we want to support young people to add their voices to conversations about the way racism is perpetuated in our museums. The project specifically focuses on the history of European colonialism in Africa and how that relates to African collections in our museums.

