The Landmarks of Pakistan - Drawings of Ute Elpers // Complied by Shahid Kamal & Folker Flasse

Book Presentation: “The Landmarks of Pakistan” - Drawings of Ute Elpers -// Complied by Shahid Kamal & Folker Flasse
(Berlin; April 16th, 2024)
Ute Elpers (1935-2019) was a highly gifted artist trained as a porcelain and ceramic painter who worked as a technical drawer in road and bridge construction. She also learned the art of using special ink pens.
In 2003 Ute became member of the Humanity Care Foundation based in Muenster, Germany. She was encouraged by Col (R) Folker Flasse, President of Humanity Care Foundation, a charitable organization registered in Germany and Pakistan, to support its humanitarian work in Pakistan.
In 2005 Ute started pen and ink drawings of historic buildings, monuments, mausoleums, shrines and landscapes. She portrayed through her pen and ink drawings the rich and diverse architectural and cultural heritage of Pakistan.
The book “Landmarks of Pakistan” is dedicated to the memory of Ute Elpers, an artist with a humanistic spirit who helped those affected by natural disasters in Pakistan. Ute donated proceeds from the sale of her artwork to the Humanity Care Foundation to help people’s suffering in the aftermath of the earthquake and floods that hit Pakistan in 2005 and 2010.
Ute gifted 21 of her beautiful filigree ink drawings of landmarks of Pakistan to the Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA). Her drawings are a testament of her love for Pakistan. Her endearment towards Pakistan is reflected in a poem she wrote in 2013 title” My Pakistan”.
To showcase Ute Elper’s beautiful artwork Shahid Kamal, former Ambassador to Germany and Folker Flasee researched and compiled her drawings on landmarks of Pakistan in the form of a coffee table book. The book is a bilingual edition in both English and German.
This book is a tribute to the remarkable life and artistic contributions of Ute Elpers (1935-2016), an esteemed German artist whose philanthropic endeavours left an indelible mark on the lives of those affected by the devastating earthquakes and floods in Pakistan in 2005 and 2010. Ute’s passion for art transcended personal aspirations as she dedicated her talent to a greater cause, using her drawings to raise funds for the victims of these natural disasters.
Art holds a pivotal place in our existence, and artists like Ute exemplify its power to effect positive change. Through her unwavering commitment to helping those in need, Ute embodied the true essence of a compassionate artist. Her creative ingenuity became a powerful tool to alleviate the suffering of countless individuals, leaving an enduring legacy that continues to inspire.
During my tenure as Pakistan’s Ambassador to Germany, I had the privilege of crossing paths with Ute Elpers in 2008 during a visit to Muenster. Introduced to me by Mr. Folker Flasse, Ute expressed her deep desire to employ her artistic skills in support of humanitarian efforts in Pakistan.
Ute’s motivation stemmed from a profound love for humanity, compelling her to utilize her creative abilities for the betterment of others. Remarkably, she accomplished this feat by intricately capturing the architectural grandeur of Pakistan’s famous landmarks through pen and ink etchings, despite never having visited the country.
This book serves as a celebration of Ute Elpers’ enduring legacy - an artist driven by empathy, a humanistic spirit, and an unwavering determination to aid those affected by natural disasters. Through her artistic prowess, she not only depicted Pakistan’s splendid architectural heritage but also touched countless lives in their most vulnerable moments. May her story inspire us all to harness our talents for the betterment of humanity.
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
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