The Jingle Book - online launch of new book about tongue twisters and dementia.


Artist and academic Alan Dunn was part of the four-year Where the Arts Belong project between Bluecoat and Belong exploring the use of contemporary art within dementia care settings that won numerous awards including the Markel Third Sector Care Creative Arts Award in 2022. During lockdown, Alan started setting up 'orchestras' in care villages, using only household objects and tongue twisters to create soundtracks. The Jingle Book is a new toolkit publication, including postcards, badges, Braille, stickers and foreword by Professor Claire Surr, Director of the Centre for Dementia Research at Leeds Beckett University, that reflects on the development of these tongue twisters - mastered expertly by some residents - and on the wider Where the Arts Belong project. Alan will chat with Laura Yates, Head of Participation at Bluecoat, Liverpool's centre for contemporary art, and Natalie Ravenscroft from NAPA about the publication, its multi-generation aspects and the wider use of experimental sound in care villages.

