The International Kurash Association is 25 years old!

September 6 is World Kurash Day. On this very day, it has been 25 years since our favorite sport was declared an International sport.
Today, thousands of people consider Kurash as their destiny and way of life.
In the past 25 years, Kurash has become popular in more than 100 countries. More than 100 nations have been developing Kurash over 5 continents.
In addition, it is included in the program of Asian, African, and European Games. These achievements did not happen by chance. It is the result of the work of thousands of people and members of the Kurash family.
In this regard, the support of the Government of Uzbekistan, the President of the country, and the Honorary President of IKA, is becoming important.
The International Kurash Association sincerely congratulates the World Kurash family, Kurash fans, athletes, coaches, referees, and all Kurash devotees on World Kurash Day and the 25th anniversary of the IKA.
The Kurash is all ours!
Kurash is the honorable path to victory!
