Even if you are wheelchair-bound, you can reach the most unexplored territories of the limitless Universe. We encourage you to watch a video about the inspiring story of a boy from Taraz.
At 12, Isaac Mustopulo was introduced with Stephen Hawking’s works for the first time. The schoolboy became inspired by astrophysics so much that he began dreaming of meeting the greatest scientist of our time.
Isaac elaborated his scientific theories, proposed solutions to the existing energy issues in his native city and participated in innovation competitions. Isaac’s first competition was supported by Chevron many years ago. That was the day when his journey to the stars has finally begun.
In 2017, due to the enthusiasm and energy of many people - British Council Kazakhstan, Asset Issekeshev and Air Astana Kazakhstan companies, Isaac finally met with Stephen Hawking.
Do you believe that regardless of the physical capabilities, any person can achieve outstanding results?
#Chevron #ChevronKazakhstan #EnergyofChange #IsaacMustopulo #Kazakhstan

