The human HEART and its functions for children. Educational videos for children. Blood travel.

Do you know how the heart works? Do you know how to take care of your heart?
In this video we tell you how it works and how to take care of it, the human heart and the path of the blood.
Today we will see how our heart works, and some tips to take care of it, among other things.
The heart is a muscle and is located in our chest, slightly to the left, between the lungs. It is about the size of your fist.
The function of the heart is to send blood to reach all parts of your body, the blood carries oxygen and nutrients, it also carries carbon dioxide and other wastes to the lungs, kidneys and digestive system, which is responsible for expelling to the outside.
It is a muscle of involuntary movement, we have no control over it.
It has two movements: systole, contraction, with it the blood is driven into the arteries and diastole, the heart expands so that the blood from the veins enters.
Its movements are called beats, at rest, when we do not make any physical movement, it beats between 60 and 90 times a minute. When we exercise, the cells of our body need more nutrients and our heart races to supply them.
It has four chambers, two atria and two ventricles.
In our body we have about five liters of blood, although this amount varies with the age and sex of each person.
Blood is made up of plasma, which is used to transport cells.
Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs.
White blood cells fight infection, that is, they protect us from disease.
Platelets, which plug wounds, are formed by scabs when we bleed.
Remember that the heart is a muscle, to have it strong and healthy you have to train it.
Try to exercise every day, at least thirty minutes, jumping, cycling, dancing, whatever you like to do the most.
Eat healthy foods and avoid highly processed foods such as cookies, candy, cold cuts, frozen pizzas, or sugary sodas.
Try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
If you take care of your heart he will take care of you, and will continue to work tirelessly day and night.

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    Me fijas 😢

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