The Galibi Nature Reserve

The Galibi Nature Reserve is located near the village of Galibi on the northeast coast of Suriname west of the mouth of the Marowijne River and covers an area of 4,000 ha. The typical vegetation consists of coastal and riparian forests. The area is managed by Stichting Natuurbehoud Suriname.
The main laying beaches for sea turtles in the West Atlantic region occur in Galibi. The laying beaches are known for the large populations of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), which lay their eggs there and in the Amana Nature Reserve in neighboring French Guiana. Nearly half of the world's healthy populations nest here. Sea turtles also come ashore at Matapica beach, located west of Galibi on the Surinamese coast.
The other species of sea turtles that nest here are the soup turtle (Chelonia mydas, Surinamese: krapei), the warana (Lepidochelys olivacea) and the karet (Eretmochyles imbricata), which are also found in the Amana Nature Reserve. The biggest threats to the sea turtles are uncontrolled egg collection and incidental capture in fishing nets.
