The Event (THE REEL SCENE) Dramatic Scene - June 2023 Dir. Charlie Henri Belleville

This dramatic scene, kept me on my inner self, not to high not to low, I was trying to find my range without overacting, and it´s always difficult, but luckily, Rihannon, my screen partner and the director Charlie Henri Belleville, helped me to achieve what we all were looking for to make the scene work.
I had really great scene partners, I felt kind of nervous, it was my first time acting in a fully english enviroment, but the experience was fullfiling at the end.
Everything took place in England, during "The Event", a one week intensive acting course hosted by The Reel Scene. I highly recommend this acting school if you´re looking just to improve your acting skills, o make your way into the acting jobs in UK.
Sadly, due to Brexit, my chances are few, but even though I can´t make things easier for me overseas, I managed to learn a lot of acting resources to share and apply.
/ adrivereda
