"The Eleventh Hour: Nina Pinckard and the Fate of the 19th Amendment" presented by Alex Colvin


The views and opinions expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect those of the Alabama Department of Archives and History.
Nina Pinckard (1874-1953) of Montgomery was one of Alabama’s leading antisuffragists. Pinckard not only organized the Alabama movement against the 19th Amendment, she was also founder and president of the Southern Anti-Ratification League, which traveled throughout the South in an attempt to block the passage of the amendment. Colvin will discuss Pinckard’s arguments against women’s suffrage, her organization’s efforts to block ratification, and her final unsuccessful attempt to stop the amendment before the decisive vote of the Tennessee State Legislature in Nashville in August of 1920.
Alex Colvin is the public programs curator at the Alabama Department of Archives and History. She received her Ph.D. in history from Auburn University. Colvin’s research on biculturalism in Creek society in the early 19th century won the Distinguished Dissertation Award at Auburn, as well as the Jacqulyn Dowd Hall Award from the Southern Association of Women’s Historians. In her role as public programs curator, she has worked as a representative of the Alabama Women’s Suffrage Centennial Committee since 2019.
Food for Thought 2021 is made possible by the Friends of the Alabama Archives and a grant from the Alabama Humanities Alliance, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

