The Early Game Mistakes Preventing EMERALD Junglers from CLIMBING | Full Coaching Session

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0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Patreon
0:36 - Pre-game Checklist
8:17 - Game plan & Early Clear Review

Пікірлер: 8

  • @Bighomer5
    @Bighomer5Ай бұрын

    cool stuff! At 30:00 you talk about Lillia's identity. Could you name other champions that have a similar focus on sequencing and team fighting?

  • @KydiaHimself
    @KydiaHimselfАй бұрын

    Bro idk if you’ll read this but I I basically find that I never start objectives because the conditions are never perfect imo. Like imagine I gank and kill mid, he is on respawn for 15 seconds, I want to go drake but then my bot lane has no prio or they want to base. How do you make these objective calls?

  • @NoahAlston


    Ай бұрын

    It really depends on the game but what your mentioning is the reason why its really important to think in loading screen about how the game will develop (matchups, priorities, win conditions, etc). With a clear picture in mind, you can plan how you path and what/when to trade for something on the other side of the map or match the enemy.

  • @JungleGapGG


    Ай бұрын

    League is kind of turn based and especially in the early game the death timers are really short. So for example you use your 'turn' to gank mid and now your mid will want to push his wave and reset to spend gold and get his hp/mana back which is correct. The only time you can make 2 moves (kill enemy lane and take dragon) is when the death timers are long enough where the enemy cannot make it back in time or you have some kind of combat advantage that means you still win.

  • @KydiaHimself


    Ай бұрын

    @@JungleGapGG That helps a lot genuinely. Thanks boss!

  • @somasaasaa4850
    @somasaasaa4850Ай бұрын

    Im silver right now and I know this is going to sound arrogant but I don’t agree with a lot of what your saying (please tell me why I’m wrong) 1:15 I don’t think they scale harder the khakis has multiple easy targets the Zoe, jinx and even Lillia herself. Brum can’t peel that well against that threat. There’s also no good way of dealing with Vladimir maybe Lilia sleep and Camille ultimate. I think enemy team is easier to execute and has easy means to avoid their damage and execute their own. 4:41 I thought the only way Lilia gets a kill her is after level 6 but now I see how volatile top is and is a gank opportunity. I just assumed everyone is going to be full health when I gank which is a dumb assumption. 6:09? Why would you ward in this place and not the blue buff bush? This ward can easily be avoided no? With khazix jump he can just avoid this vision? Also they can enter through top side. Like if I was the khazixs I would probably jump over the baron wall and invade through the bottom side to avoid any wards the laner may have placed. I have the same issues with the ward you recommend for red side. 7:03 This invade seems kinda silly to me, I don’t think khazix would be slow enough not to meet us at raptors and even if he isn’t, if he’s a good jungler he’ll check his krugs before doing red (after all he can’t start the red without knowing lillia isn’t still there) but as general advice against a slow clearing jungler I think this is invaluable advice. Like to be clear I don’t think I’m right I just don’t understand why you’re saying what you’re saying. 9:37 I need this advice I can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost the game because enemy top laner killed me after crashing their wave top, now I know at least when it might happen 14:42 I don’t hate this gank here, I think it was executed poorly, like your not killing the Renkton if he has dashes up, so ideally I think you want to do your blue and be watching top to see if he uses his dashes if he does finish the blue with smite or just leave it and go for the kill. Abandoning the blue early gives you the tempo you need to avoid the Khazix counter gank 15:37 This just shows a lack of jungle tracking he should walk back into his jungle through turret it’s like he didn’t even think khazix was topside. I would probably greeded and tried to take my blue regardless but would absolutely not be posturing to contest skuttle like he is rn. 17:14 that’s such a cool play I’ll try to do that when the opportunity presents itself 20:44 I would have 100% not seen that kill opportunity. I need to recognize volatility more clearly 23:44 what? Really? It’s 2v3 if I fight starts and lillia will be low health if she starts the grubs. If she hadn’t shown I would agree but start grubs seem like it’s going to throw the game. Khazix has nothing to do except contest the krugs and a level 6 reneckton plus a vlad there’s no way you win a fight. 24:39 I think the really smart thing to do here would have been to invade because we saw kha topside. Obviously you need sweeper but this really feels like I missed opportunity (a hard one to find) but a missed one nonetheless because Kha only thing to do was to take grubs 24:42 I have this bad habit of always following my mids plays bot side I need to stop because if it fails it’s wasted 4 peoples time not just my own. 27:21 wow I would have tottaly been blind sided by khazix if he was top I would just assume he would have based and be doing his bot side Thank you for this video and I hope you can see where my perspective is coming from and maybe help me in better or agree with some of my points

  • @Eibad19


    Ай бұрын

    You think that jinx camille zoe and lillia get outscaled by khazix ezreal vlad renekton? Why? Khazix is a glas cannon, zoe can peel herself, jinx can peel herself, lillia can peel herself. All three can peel for one another, if khazix isnt going for picks and jumps in 1v2 without being super fed, he dies. 6:09 He reccomended not to ward there on red side. but if ur gonna ward redside while you clear up then thats really the only place to ward anyway. 7:03 Seems silly because you likely are not clearing fast enough to understand the difference a single second of tempo makes in regards to clearing. If Lililla does one less camp and has the movement speed to steal a camp from her raptor, while khazix is pulling wolves lillia is pulling his raptors towards his krugs, getting level 3 off a camp that is not hers and also matching khazix's level at the same time while heading to take another one of his camps. 14:42 there is not a world where a renekton with a brain dies there. He is not playing bots even if it is low elo. with E and flash. The only CC between theh two of you is camille e w and that will never be enough to lock down a renekton who can mitage a q's worth of your damage with his own, stun you, and dash away. Unless he tries to 1v2 or tunnels to try and trade a kill instead of walking away, renekton never dies to that gank. 23:44 lillia has aoe, grubs is free

  • @somasaasaa4850


    Ай бұрын

    Makes sense