The bridges in St. Petersburg. AutoRest 178.

Video from the sound show "Singing bridges of St. Petersburg 2017". The divorce of bridges to the accompaniment of famous classical music.
The website "АвтоОтдых178":
"AutoRest 178" in Contact: autorest178
St. Petersburg is usually associated with white nights and, of course, drawbridges. Tourists from all over the world come to St. Petersburg to see the divorce of bridges. In this video you will see the divorce Palace bridge, accompanied by the sound of classical music. It is interesting to observe not only the divorce of bridges, but also the situation around this action. White nights, romance, great sound and light show.
Video plan:
00: 20 Arrived to look to the Palace bridge of show "Singing bridges".
00: 42 Panorama of the event.
01:10 the beginning of sound show " Singing bridges of St. Petersburg»

