The Birds go "OFF TRACK" a USC thesis film / Bird Singers - Cahuilla Village


We Are Birds
Available on Vimeo for viewing:
Torres Martinez Head BirdSinger:
Derek Duro and Cahuilla brothers take part in the USC thesis film
"Off Track"
Directed by JP Jacobsen
Producer Drew Diamond contacted me through email about the project that I ended up being asked to be a Native American Consultant for their film. My directive was to make sure everything that USC Production Crew was doing to make it as close to authentic Cahuilla for the time period as possible within the time constraints of production. Working with all the producers, My Wife, co-producer, and Anthropologist Dr. Larisa Broyles Chacon , and my co-native american adviser John Preckwinkle, Head of the Agua Caliente Cultural Committee and friend were also on hand for three days of production of the Off Track production in Los Angeles and Palm Desert California.
USC did an outstanding job in making our Cahuilla people respectfully represented by your Crew... my deepest appreciation extends outward to you and your Families who raised you all right. I'm so happy you all came to film our birdsingers, and ask our people for proper permissions before shooting,,, No one has ever done that, you guys are the First...
And to Jay Tavare,
it was was a great Honor to work with an actor of your caliber. A chance of a life time to work with you didn't go unappreciated. Thanks Jay!
Thanks to Drew and Flora for contacting me and caring to making it the

