The 400-Year Holocaust Book Presale


The 400-Year Holocaust examines the legal, political, psychological, sociological, and moral developments of Whiteness, and Anti-Blackness in America. The text positions Anti-Blackness, as the underlying foundational principle of White-identity, and White racism. It unpacks and examines White America's need to erect and perpetuate Anti-Blackness (an anti-Black culture and orientation which positions people interpreted, perceived, and/or identified as Black, as deficient, inadequate, etc.) as psychopathic and sociopathic conditions, rather than mere social constructs. It also repositions and critically examines four core White American economic, moral, socio-cultural, and ideological institutions: human sex trafficking, rape, pedophilia, and murder.
This book is gripping and chilling, and provides a perspective about race, racism, and race-relations in America, past and present. While the author painfully critique's White America, he provides glimpses into what he refers to as racial reckoning, racial relief, and racial repair-ations.

