The 224th GRIPS Forum “Macro-strategic Trends in the Indo-Pacific”

January 15 (MON), 2024
Speaker: Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, Chairman, Middle East Institute of the National University of Singapore
Title: Macro-strategic Trends in the Indo-Pacific
The lecture will begin with a broad over-view of three key macro-strategic trends in the Indo-Pacific: First the very concept of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ itself; second, changes in the approaches of the US and China to the region and the drivers of these changes; and third, responses of countries in the region to these changes in particular India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and the ASEAN member states, and their impact of the regional security architecture. With this background, the lecture will go on to look in greater detail at Taiwan, the South and East China Seas and North Korea, and analyse the prospects for avoiding serious conflict in the Indo-Pacific.
