TestNG - Annotations Helper Attribute & Examples - Test Automation - Selenium Java - Mr Beat Coder

Created with Wondershare Filmora
Mr Beat Coder
Test Automation - Annotations Helper Attributes & Examples
1. Using the Groups Functionality with “exclude” tag
- So the test suite will run all the test cases in the classes, excluding the test cases with the group tag
2. Using the dependsonMethods tag
- So the test case will run after another test case
3. Using the enabled=false
- So the test case with method, which has the enabled=false will be skipped, i.e. not executed
e.g. if that test case is known to have errors or bugs
4. Using the timeOut Annotation Helper Attribute
- So the test case with method, which has the timeOut=4000 will not fail, until 40 seconds
