TAPS NQS PLP- Environment Makeover. NQS ideas to actions documentary (Full Version)

This video was developed under the NQS PLP program which was funded until 2014. ECA has continued to provide these videos as a legacy to the original program, however all associated tools and forums are no longer available.
Environment makeover. National Quality Standard ideas to actions is a Commonwealth of Australia funded documentary produced and brought to you by Early Childhood Australia (ECA).
This video documents a service's development and implementation of a working Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) focused on aspects of Quality Area 3: Physical Environment. This process of developing and implementing the QIP will demonstrate the way in which improving the physical environment will impact on all seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS).
Using the 'makeover' format and with the assistance of two ECA early childhood consultants -- Judy Radich and Luke Touhill, we explore the importance of the physical environment at Campbell Street Childcare and Early Education Centre in Queanbeyan, NSW, its achievement of good practice, including positive education and care outcomes for children.
For early childhood educators this documentary will help to prompt reflection on what makes a physical environment effective. Online resources to accompany the videos will help other services to work through a similar process -- analysing and critically reflecting on their own environments and starting to think differently about the role of the physical environment in supporting children's learning and wellbeing.
This documentary illustrates everyday experiences occurring in an early childhood setting and they have not been chosen to depict excellent practice but rather to provoke discussion and to support 'a lively culture of professional inquiry' (EYLF, p. 13 and Guide to the National Quality Standard , p. 119). This is a very important point-the aim is not to criticize and the discussion should not centre on either 'liking' or 'not liking' what educators do. However, educators can gain valuable perspectives and insights that apply to their own setting and age groups when they use the documentary as a basis for reflection, discussion and taking action.
Copyright 2012 Commonwealth of Australia
All resources developed by Early Childhood Australia Inc. as part of the Early Years Learning Framework Professional Learning Program and National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program are protected by copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.
Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights in relation to this publication or product should be addressed to:
Early Childhood Australia
PO Box 86
or telephone +61 2 6242 1800 or fax +61 2 6242 1818
or email: nqsplp@earlychildhood.org.au
In all cases the Early Childhood Australia Inc. and the National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program funded by the Commonwealth of Australia must be acknowledged as the source when reproducing or quoting any part of an Early Years Learning Framework Professional Learning Program and National Quality Standard Professional Learning Program publication, video, image or website.
