. Talia Kingsleigh Hightopp .

I don’t own the music, this is my own video i made.!
Now this is after Tarrant (Hatter) and Alice got married as you have seen previously in my other video “blessed love” now they have a daughter, three years after getting married.
I know what you guys are thinking “yeh the parents Tarrant and Alice haven’t aged.”
well this is wonderland. Nothing is impossible.
Anyways, ah let’s get right to it, no dilly dally!
S0 beginning, it shows Talia as a baby, Tarrant (hatter and Alice) spending time with Talia as she’s a baby, she smiles at her mum Alice, absolem comes to Talia as a baby Alice smiles at absolem because he’s come to see hatter and Alice baby daughter Talia smiles at her dad hatter, then Tarrant smiles at her back giving her a kiss on the cheek, Alice and Tarrant both love their baby daughter.
The moments that Alice and Tarrant share with Talia as she’s a baby is just priceless I love how they both look at their baby daughter.
then it shows Talia as a mid teen, dragging her parents to play with her, then shows her growing up into a teen, you see Talia pulling someone hand as she’s a mid teen she’s pulling her parents hand and saying “come and play with me mum and dad!” Tarrant and Alice be like “ok ok Talia we’re coming!” She’s being goofy and funny, I love it twirling around in front of her parents her parents don’t dare mind it.
now this is when she becomes of age, the madness and the eyes changing like her dad hatter, so Alice bends down near her daughter she notices her daughter eyes changing, then she tells her husband hatter, when Talia eyes are changing she starts going mad like her dad. hatter gets really worried and quickly goes to his daughter because her eyes have started to change like her dad, and she’s getting mad then her parents look after her because she starts to grow up and getting mad.
then it shows Talia into a fully grown adult, she gets angry, Alice telling Tarrant Talia going mad and throwing things in her room, she drinking things she shouldn’t be drinking, her dad hatter goes in her room and walks up to her.
Then it shows Talia like her mother, do you remember her mother Alice saying “imagine the ladies in trousers and men in dresses”? so I combined that Talia fullfilled her mother dream that her daughter is wearing trousers instead of skirts and in the end of the video it shows Talia a warrior sword in hand
Bearing in mind it was very difficult to find the scenes of Alice and hatter to combine with their daughter
Most of the time, Talia like her mum and dad, independent and daydreaming, but when she’s in need of help her parents are right there for her.
Oh sorry the song is: the lost soul down X lost soul
Hope you enjoyed the video and fairfarren.

