
Map: Tundra
Tank: T29
Player: Gr3w [GEN1E]
Damage: 4671
Damage blocked by armor: 2335
Damage due to the player’s assistance: 973
The T29 is an American tier 7 heavy tank.
Development of this experimental heavy tank started in 1944. The prototype was built in 1947. The vehicle featured the 105 mm T5E1 gun. After the war, the mass production of heavy tanks was deemed unreasonable, and only a few prototypes of this vehicle were built.
Generally considered one of the best tanks of its tier, if not downright overpowered, the T29 is a solid combination of firepower, armor and mobility. Stock, it comes with the inefficient 76 mm M1A2 gun, but can immediately equip the powerful 90 mm M3 gun if it was researched previously from the M6, which will prove sufficient against most opponents it faces while the tank advances down the upgrade path. The 105 mm gun that you are able to mount later is very powerful and lethal, as it can penetrate almost any tank in its tier and still can penetrate some higher tier tanks and can pack quite a punch. The most notable feature of the T29 is its large and extremely well-armored turret, strong enough to bounce shots even from tier 9 tanks if faced frontally and with good angling. For this reason, the T29 performs exeptionally well when placed in a hull-down position. The frontal hull armor of the T29 is also quite robust if angled properly.
The T29 leads to the T32.

