太妍走進魔雪奇緣世界 TAEYEON's Let It Go at World of Frozen | 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland

🎶與太妍一起在 #魔雪奇緣世界 Let It Go🌬️!✨
主唱《魔雪奇緣2》主題曲 "Into the Unknown" 🎶嘅韓版演唱者 - 太妍絕對係《魔雪奇緣》嘅頭號粉絲🥰!今次佢回應內心嘅呼喚,特意嚟到全球首個及最大型嘅《魔雪奇緣》主題園區-魔雪奇緣世界,發現無止境嘅可能!一齊跟隨太妍嘅腳步,踏入熟悉嘅故事奇境之中,展開前所未有嘅奇妙旅程🏰!
🎶 Come Let It Go at World Of Frozen with the icon TAEYEON 🌬️!✨
K-pop Voice Queen TAEYEON is not only a big fan of “Frozen"🥰, but also the vocalist for the Korean version of “Into the Unknown,” the iconic hit song from “Frozen 2”🎶! Now she has answered her own call to adventure by visiting the world's first and largest “Frozen” themed land, exploring infinite possibilities in World of Frozen. Join her journey as she heads “Into the Unknown” to discover a world that’s both warmly familiar and unlike anything she has ever seen. 🏰
#LetItGo #WorldOfFrozen #HKDisneyland #魔雪奇緣世界 #香港迪士尼樂園

