台南樂集《梅》 作曲/鄭思森


《梅》Plum Blossoms
樂團/台南樂集 Tainan Chinese Orchestra
指揮/杜潔明 Tu Chief-Ming
作曲/鄭思森 Zhen SiSen
【2018.08.30 2018台南樂集年度音樂會-「聽!宜夏」】
以 A-B-C-B-D-A 的大四段體來表現作者從心靈深處對梅的讚美、歌頌。本次音樂會將演繹經典之作歲寒三友-《梅》,緬懷鄭思森先生的音樂風華。
The "Three Friends of Winter" suite composed by Zheng Sisen is a representative work in Chinese music. This concert will interpret the classic work "Plum Blossoms" from the Three Friends of Winter suite, paying tribute to the musical brilliance of Zheng Sisen.
The "Plum Blossoms" segment of the Three Friends of Winter suite draws inspiration from the elegance, spirituality, and pride of the plum blossom. The piece is divided into four sections: (1) "Standing Alone in Elegance" (2) "Jade Bones and Icy Skin" (3) "Proudly Braving Snow and Frost" (4) "Red Plum Blossoms in White Snow." Using the A-B-C-B-D-A form, the composer expresses heartfelt praise and admiration for the plum blossom.
Recorded live at the Tainan Gueiren Cultural Center on August 30, 2018

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  • @user-iz5hy1ni3b
    @user-iz5hy1ni3b5 жыл бұрын

    好懷念鄭思森老師的曲子喔! 每首都是回憶,每首都是經典。
