Systems and signals. Analogies | | UPV

Título: Systems and signals. Analogies
Descripción automática: In this video, a professor from the Polytechnic University introduces the second part of Module Two in a course on Dynamics and Control, focusing on system models and signals, with a particular emphasis on analogies. The lecture describes how dynamic behavior can be modeled across different technological supports, establishes the connection between systems and signals, and differentiates between autonomous systems (like the solar system) and forced systems (like a kitchen oven).
The professor explains that systems consist of interconnected elements with time-varying magnitudes, some of which are accessible or measurable. He uses the oven as an example, discussing how inputs like temperature settings affect the system's behavior, and compares this with a water tank, where variables like the water level are of interest. A DC motor is also analyzed in terms of torque and speed behaviors.
The video continues by illustrating how an algorithm implemented in a computer can model a system's dynamic behavior, furthering the concept of analogies by showing that despite varied units (like centigrades for the oven and millimeters for the water level), the behavioral patterns of different systems can be strikingly similar.
Finally, the discussion draws parallels between various flow systems like rivers, traffic, and information transfer, underscoring the idea that they can all be modeled using similar mathematical equations. The session concludes with the anticipation of exploring formalism in the next part of the module, which promises to delve more deeply into the mathematics of system modeling.
Autor/a: Albertos Pérez Pedro
+ Universitat Politècnica de València UPV:
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