Sync visuals to Pioneer Pro DJ Link timecode automatically


In this tutorial I demonstrate how you can trigger visuals in Resolute automatically using timecode from Pioneer Pro DJ Link capable equipment using Beat Link Trigger by Deep Symmetry.
Massive thanks to James Elliott for making this software and helping me out in getting the most out of it!
Tutorial by Ineffable. See
Link to beatlinktrigger by Deep Symmetry;
Link the the forum;
Global Setup Expression:
(swap! globals assoc :resolume (osc/osc-client "localhost" 7000))
Shutdown expression:
(osc/osc-close (:resolume @globals))
Shared function:
(defn send-cue-to-resolume
"Sends an OSC message to resolume triggering the supplied clip number in the
specified layer. Used from a show, so the show globals must also be passed."
[globals layer clip]
(osc/osc-send (:resolume @globals)
(str "/composition/layers/" layer "/clips/" clip "/connect")))
CUE Message:
(send-cue-to-resolume globals 4 20)

Пікірлер: 5

  • @dr_rosenburg_lacma
    @dr_rosenburg_lacma9 күн бұрын

    Bro that’s so sick The graphics to the music!

  • @alistairsh
    @alistairsh20 күн бұрын

    Really really great vid. Sort of content I'd expect from 200k+ subscribers. Thank you Simeon!

  • @MaDyHawary
    @MaDyHawary18 күн бұрын

    please windows tutorial

  • @Ineffable_Experience


    18 күн бұрын

    It's exactly the same on windows. You should be able to follow along just fine. Can't you?

  • @brunchboy


    14 күн бұрын

    Yes, that’s one of the big advantages of the fact that I implemented all my solutions in the Java virtual machine: they work the same on Windows, macOS, and other Unix platforms.
