surah Al hadid سُوْرَۃُ الْحَدِیْدِ

surah Al hadid سُوْرَۃُ الْحَدِیْد
Al-Ḥadīd (English: Iron; Arabic: الحديد) is the 57th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 29 verses. The chapter takes its name from that word which appears in the 25th verse. This is an Al-Musabbihat surah because it begins with the glorification of Allah.
1-6 God ( Allah ) is omniscient and most powerful.7-11 Muslims exhorted to give alms and help the Prophet's mission12-14 The wise and the foolish in the Judgment Day15-17 True believers admonished to submit humbly to God18 God will reward the faithful but will punish the wicked19-20 The present life a vain show21 Men exhorted to seek the life to come22-23 All things recorded in God's book of decrees24 God hateth proud and covetous persons (therefore the defeat at Ohod)25 Apostles sent to former nations26-27 Noah, Abraham, the prophets, and Jesus, with the Gospel, sent28-29 Christians exhorted to become Muslims .

