Sunday Service 29/03/2020

Do you ever feel that life is one challenge after another? The truth is that hardship comes to
everyone sooner or later. However, we can have confidence in troubled times by remembering
four simple biblical truths.
A. God controls our circumstances.
1. As believers, we have the reassurance that God’s will is sovereign over everything (Dan.
4:35). He can bring good even out of negative experiences (Rom. 8:28; Ps. 103:19).
2. The Lord allows difficulty in our lives. Why? One reason is to teach us dependence on
B. God will meet our needs.
1. Since the Father allowed His own Son to be sacrificed for our salvation, we should trust
Him to supply all we need (Rom. 8:31; Phil. 4:19).
2. God will withhold a blessing for one of two reasons: He wants us to learn to rely on Him,
or He knows it isn’t best for us. Like a good parent, He gives us everything we need, not
everything we want.
C. God is always with us.
1. The Lord promises to be with us at all times, although we may not feel His presence and
loving care.
D. God loves us with an eternal love.
1. The Lord loves us even in our sin because that is His very nature: God is love (1 John
4:8). However, He despises ungodly behavior (Rom. 8:35-39).
2. God governs our lives, but that doesn’t mean our existence will be trouble-free.
When unexpected tragedy like the Covid-19 comes your way, remember that God is still in
control. The heavenly Father will provide for your needs in His timing. Place your trust fully in
Him, and you will have confidence in every circumstance you face.
Ev. Isaac M. Wachira
Parish Evangelist
