Study with me | Preparing for MS2

Week 2 of second year med will begin on tomorrow. I could say that I am pretty overwhelmed with everything that has been happening.. (I survived week 1!) and honestly, I haven't fully adjusted to a new routine/schedule.
Online medical school is basically studying whenever you're free, sleeping for 4-5 hours, attending the lectures/SGDs, taking the exams, eating, and trying to squeeze in some me-time.
Btw, I didn't use pomodoro because I was using my phone to film. 😂 Still, there are breaks in-between my study sessions.
Study with me timestamps:
0:11 - 48:44
50:32 - 1:30:36
1:36:56 - 2:34:47
2:35:01 - 3:17:35
I was supposed to sched this vlog for next month after prelims, but it might be more appropriate now- since there's really a need to study everyday. I hope this somehow helps you to do the things that you need to accomplish! :)
If you finished the whole video, then thank you for watching and studying with me! ♡
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