Street walk | George Town Penang | Cambell Street | Penang Road | 八爪鱼天桥 | 槟城街景 | DJI OSMO ACTION

Penang (Malay: Pulau Pinang, [pi.naŋ]) is a Malaysian state located on the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia along the Strait of Malacca. It has two parts: Penang Island, where the capital city, George Town, is located, and Seberang Perai on the Malay Peninsula. These two halves are physically connected by the Penang Bridge and the Second Penang Bridge. The state shares borders with Kedah to the north and east, and Perak to the south.
槟城(英语:Penang;马来语:Pulau Pinang),旧称槟榔屿,简称槟州。是马来西亚十三个联邦州属之一,位于马来亚半岛西北侧。以槟威海峡为界,槟城分成槟岛和威省两部分。其中威省的东部和北部与吉打州为邻,南部与霹雳州为邻;而槟岛西部则与印尼苏门答腊岛隔马六甲海峡相对。槟城距离首都吉隆坡357公里。
With 1.74 million residents and a population density of 1,659/km2 (4,300/sq mi) as of 2020, Penang is one of Malaysia's most densely populated and urbanised states. Seberang Perai is Malaysia's third largest city by population. Penang is culturally diverse with a population that includes Chinese, Malays, Indians, Eurasians, Siamese and expatriates.
马来人一早就将乔治市叫做“丹绒”(Tanjung,意为海角),英国第一任总督法兰西斯·莱特则命名为“威尔斯亲王岛”(英太子岛,Prince of Wales Island),但鲜少使用,甚至其后的史书也很少提及,而老一辈华人惯称为“槟榔屿”。之所以称为槟榔屿,是因为早期这座小岛上有许多槟榔树而得名。后来马来文也逐渐改为“Pulau Pinang”,即“槟岛”。而早期汉人也会转译“Pulau Pinang”,称槟城为庇能、屏南、庇𠹌(均为槟城福建话Pī-néeng的借字写法)等。在马来亚日占时期,曾依照槟榔岛的读音,被改名为彼南。

