Stop Meributkan Hal Kecil! | Micro Manager

Saya membahas soal micromanaging dan dampaknya pada budaya perusahaan. Riset membuktikan ketika karyawan mendapatkan dukungan langsung dari atasan, kinerja mereka meningkat daripada ketika mereka dibiarkan sendirian, tetapi, bantuan yang tidak perlu atau tidak diinginkan, justru kontraproduktif dan menurunkan moral karyawan. Di dunia kerja, ada satu kata yang seringkali dihindari oleh semua orang yaitu micro-managing. Ini adalah kondisi di mana atasan terlalu ikut campur atas pekerjaan anak buahnya. Alhasil, anak buahnya merasa kesal karena tidak punya kebebasan dalam bekerja. Ketika para manajer ditanya, apakah micro-managing adalah gaya manajerial yang baik? Hampir semua manajer kemungkinan besar bilang tidak. Tapi, kenapa gaya manajerial ini masih banyak ditemui di lingkungan kerja?
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Пікірлер: 26

  • @SiKutuBuku
    @SiKutuBuku Жыл бұрын

    Halo, yuk kasih dukungan mulai dari Rp 9.900,- saja ya! Klik disini:

  • @jasimmohammad8510


    Жыл бұрын

    If anyone has a problem they want to solve: (Whatever health, social or financial) By (problems) I mean all problems. Healthy -- I mean sick.. any disease.. Social --- means a single person who wants to get married, He has a disobedient son, he has a strong father on him, She has a bad husband...and so on. Finance. -- I mean, he has a debt, his livelihood is weak. Among the ways to solve problems: 1. Continuous daily charity, even if a little. 2. Repetitive supplication anyway (two words) Oh Lord bless me, Lord heal me, Lord spend my religion. 3. Kiss your father and mother's hand every day, even once. Then I pray to God (two words) 4. Morning and Evening Prayers . 5. Forgiveness while continuing. 6. Repeat..there is no power and no strength but Allah. 7. Prayers for the Prophet while continuing. 8. Read Surat Al-Baqarah daily, even if it is by mobile phone, even if it is intermittent in stages. 9. Humanitarian aid and supplication afterwards. [The meaning of this paragraph is (benevolence to creation) whether it is a human being or an irrational being cat or sparrow]. 10. Duha prayer four rak'ahs. 11 . Two units of prayer of need... with the intention of (healing / marriage / sustenance) repeat it every day. 12. Al-Raqiya Al-Shari'a - by yourself - from it - To read Surat Al-Ikhlas or Al-Fatihah or something else on the Water and drink..every day even once. You will see good and pleasant results, God willing These are all tried and true in real life... and there are people who adhere to them And reap a lot of good results... And it is not a requirement that you do it all... Take from it What suits your situation and condition.. even if I stuck to one paragraph of it, and I won.. Note: How if you do these points or Some of them solve problems? The answer--your problem will be solved with one There are two ways, but God guides you for a reason missing you... Or that God mocks you from external causes Other people do not solve your problem. May God grant you success... God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions . Do not forget the good prayers ..... ٩٩ححح

  • @thekowalsky9130
    @thekowalsky9130 Жыл бұрын

    Sebagai atasan juga jangan cuma terima mentah laporan masalah aja, tapi observasi juga. Karena masalah bisa jadi murni atau bisa "dibuat-buat". Ini pengalaman saya aja, kadang karyawan ada yang caper juga soalnya. Saya yakin karyawan tidak bodoh, tapi jangan mau sebagai atasan dibodohi karyawan

  • @andihermawan7578
    @andihermawan7578 Жыл бұрын

    Gw pernah ngalamin, dipercaya buat jdi manager tpi sama owner urusan micro managing malah gw pegang, parahnya juga walaupun gw manager gw wajib ikut bantu bersih - bersih sama gotong - gotong, sempet gw komplain krn target kerja gw bkn untuk itu dan emang udah ada OB Ujungnya gw yg jdi disalahkan, gimana tetap wangi sama bersih klo pagi udah keringetan, gimana mau fokus buat strategi penjualan klo urusan remeh spt bersih - bersih, bawa barang gw juga wajib ikut, waktu gw abis buat itu Gimana bisa ngontrol karyawan, klo posisi sy disamakan kaya karyawan bagian lain bahkan sama kaya OB, bahkan urusan koordinasi karyawan selalu nyampein ke owner bkn ke saya dan owner "baik aja" tentang itu Ah yaudah jdi pengalaman manis didunia kerja duli

  • @SiKutuBuku


    Жыл бұрын

    Semangat kakk!!

  • @haidirmusana6940
    @haidirmusana6940 Жыл бұрын

    Ketika ada masalah di tempat kerja jngan buru buru membantu ,,biarkan dahulu karyawan mencari solusi dengan ide nya ,,dan melihat hasil nya

  • @ArditraSulafika
    @ArditraSulafika7 ай бұрын

    Leader adalah boss, tapi boss belum tentu bisa jadi leader

  • @panduutomo3609
    @panduutomo3609 Жыл бұрын

    Rata2 sih dunia kerja di indo masih byk bgt pake pola lama dengan sistem micro managing

  • @adnansuryanaputra8607
    @adnansuryanaputra8607 Жыл бұрын

    Masalahnya di lapangan kasusnya random, kadang ketika jadi pemimpin kita dihadapkan dengan anggota yang gak bisa inisiatif bahkan cenderung pemalas, nahh di kondisi tsb sebagai pemimpin secara tidak langsung mereka "disedot" ke pusaran micro managing

  • @ImNoobzz


    Жыл бұрын

    Berarti managernya gagal cuy...🤣

  • @fatuilumine605
    @fatuilumine605 Жыл бұрын

    menurutku sbg karyawan ga ada cara buat berhentiin seorang micromanager. Satu-satunya jalan yaa resign!

  • @riannonaka
    @riannonaka Жыл бұрын

    Setiap malam nonton Si Kutu Buku. Terimakasih atas berbagi pengetahuannya😊

  • @SiKutuBuku


    Жыл бұрын


  • @coality
    @coality Жыл бұрын

    Manajer/Leader itu fokus membentuk tim, bukan menggerakkan tim.

  • @daygreenenvironment
    @daygreenenvironment Жыл бұрын


  • @binc1402
    @binc1402 Жыл бұрын

    Terima kasih Kak Michael ❤️

  • @swieming
    @swieming Жыл бұрын

    Bahas buku the game karya neil

  • @andhinugroho9717


    Жыл бұрын


  • @ilhamrasyid5818
    @ilhamrasyid5818 Жыл бұрын

    Terima kasih kak

  • @singgihsupriyanto5233
    @singgihsupriyanto5233 Жыл бұрын


  • @TheViaNz
    @TheViaNz Жыл бұрын

    jujur emang benar sistem seperti gini.. tapi liat etos kerja perkerja d indo kok rada susah tidak melakukan mikro managing

  • @rudylesmana2926
    @rudylesmana2926 Жыл бұрын


  • @dechannel8370
    @dechannel8370 Жыл бұрын

    21 detik yang lalu

  • @Agate99
    @Agate99 Жыл бұрын

    keren lu bang.

  • @SiKutuBuku


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks kakk

  • @jasimmohammad8510
    @jasimmohammad8510 Жыл бұрын

    If anyone has a problem they want to solve: (Whatever health, social or financial) By (problems) I mean all problems. Healthy -- I mean sick.. any disease.. Social --- means a single person who wants to get married, He has a disobedient son, he has a strong father on him, She has a bad husband...and so on. Finance. -- I mean, he has a debt, his livelihood is weak. Among the ways to solve problems: 1. Continuous daily charity, even if a little. 2. Repetitive supplication anyway (two words) Oh Lord bless me, Lord heal me, Lord spend my religion. 3. Kiss your father and mother's hand every day, even once. Then I pray to God (two words) 4. Morning and Evening Prayers . 5. Forgiveness while continuing. 6. Repeat..there is no power and no strength but Allah. 7. Prayers for the Prophet while continuing. 8. Read Surat Al-Baqarah daily, even if it is by mobile phone, even if it is intermittent in stages. 9. Humanitarian aid and supplication afterwards. [The meaning of this paragraph is (benevolence to creation) whether it is a human being or an irrational being cat or sparrow]. 10. Duha prayer four rak'ahs. 11 . Two units of prayer of need... with the intention of (healing / marriage / sustenance) repeat it every day. 12. Al-Raqiya Al-Shari'a - by yourself - from it - To read Surat Al-Ikhlas or Al-Fatihah or something else on the Water and drink..every day even once. You will see good and pleasant results, God willing These are all tried and true in real life... and there are people who adhere to them And reap a lot of good results... And it is not a requirement that you do it all... Take from it What suits your situation and condition.. even if I stuck to one paragraph of it, and I won.. Note: How if you do these points or Some of them solve problems? The answer--your problem will be solved with one There are two ways, but God guides you for a reason missing you... Or that God mocks you from external causes Other people do not solve your problem. May God grant you success... God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions . Do not forget the good prayers ..... ٠٠٠٠٠٠