Still Buffering - 2024

Still Buffering combines dance, theatre and film to explore how technology informs human relationships. The narrative has been influenced by science fiction stories from the past and the current urgency surrounding the evolution of technology and humanity’s dependency on it.
Jean-Michel Cliche
Anna Dysart
Marcia Dysart
Patrick Jeffrey
Chris Van Green
Caroline Bell
Joanna Bryson - Co-Director & Production Manager
Sarah Power - Co-Director & Choreographer
Ryan Griffith - Text & Playwright
potatoCakes_digital (Emily Soussana and Andrew Scriver) - Set, Lighting & Video Design
Andrew Reed Miller - Composer & Sound Design
Sherry Kinnear - Costume Design
Chris Giles - Filmmaker & Video Editor
Natasha MacLellan - Dramaturg
Drew Murdock - Stage Manager
Caitlin Lapena - Marketing Coordinator
Alan White - Additional graphic designs
